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Addison got ready since Sean is coming over to her house in an hour to meet Dixie and Charli since they insist on meeting him. She does have feelings for him but she doesn't know how he feels about being together who is about to have a baby which the baby daddy is her ex. Dixie and Charli are in the guest bedroom finishing getting ready as well.

Addison's Outfit:

Addison's Outfit:

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Dixie's Outfit:

Charli's Outfit:

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Charli's Outfit:

After Addison finished getting ready she got a text from Sean that he was there

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After Addison finished getting ready she got a text from Sean that he was there. She heads downstairs and puts on some sandals.

Addison: Dixie, Charli I'll be back in going to get Sean he's outside!
Both: Okay!

Addison heads outside while closing the door behind her and walks to Sean's car while he's getting out of his car. She stands on the sidewalk next to Sean's car.

Addison: Hi! *smiles*
Sean: Hi gorgeous! *smiles and hugs her*
Addison: I'm glad I'm seeing you again.
Sean: You are?
Addison: Mostly definitely.
Sean: I missed you.
Addison: I missed you too.

Addison wraps her arms around his neck and Sean has his hands on her waist. Sean plants kiss all over her face.

Addison: *giggles*
Sean: *smiles* That beautiful giggle of yours.
Addison: *smiles*
Sean: I want to kiss you.
Addison: Let's wait until we are alone and my friends go to bed.
Sean: Fine *pouts*
Addison: You're such a baby. *giggles and kisses him*
Sean: *smiles and kisses back*

Charli and Dixie are watching Addison and Sean through the window from inside the house and they are truly so happy for Addison for finding love again after what happened with Bryce.

Addison: *pulls away* Are you ready to meet my friends?
Sean: Yeah, of course, I want to meet all ur friends.
Addison: *smiles and holds his hand walking back inside her house with him*

Charli and Dixie run back to the couch and sit down on the couch acting like they were doing something and so Addison didn't think they were spying on her and Sean. Addison closes the front door and locks it just to be safe.

Addison: Sean these are two of my friends from California.
Dixie: Hi Sean, I'm Dixie! *shakes his hand*
Charli: Hi I'm Charli I'm sisters with Dixie.
Sean: It's nice to meet you guys! *smiles*
Dixie: We are happy to finally meet you Addison talks about you a lot to us.
Sean: Oh, she does now. *looks at Addison and smirks*
Addison: *hits Sean playfully* don't act so surprised.
Sean: *smiles*
Addison: I'm going to get us something to drink I'll be back.
Sean: I'll come to help you.

Addison and Sean head into the kitchen.

Addison: There's some beer in the fridge for you I'm just going to have water since I'm pregnant which I'm surprised you even have feelings for me.
Sean: Hey, look at me. *lifts up her chin*
Addison: *looks at him*
Sean: I would have gotten feelings for you either not pregnant or pregnant. You're still the person you were before you got pregnant. Plus I wouldn't have met you if you didn't move here because you were pregnant. I love this child like my own and I'm going to be here for you and your baby girl no matter what. *touches her stomach*
Addison: *smiles and puts her hand on top of his*

Sean grabs a beer for him and a glass of water for Addison then they grab drinks for Charli and Dixie closing the fridge and head back into the living room giving Charli and Dixie a drink and Addison sits down next to Sean on the couch.

Dixie: So, Sean when are you going to ask Addison to be your girlfriend?
Sean: *laughs* I asked her a couple of days ago.
Charli: Wait, you already asked her and Addison you didn't tell us which we are your best friends.
Addison: I know but I wanted to wait to tell you guys until you met him which is right now and we are together.
Dixie: Well, I'm happy for the both of you.
Addison: Thank you
Sean: Thank you.
Dixie: I can tell you make her happy and I must say this is the most happiest she's ever been so don't break her heart.
Sean: I won't, she means everything to me I would be devastated to lose this girl. *holds Addison's hand and smiles at her*
Addison: *puts her head on his shoulder*
Charli: Okay, let's play some board games*

They play some broad games all of them together in the living room for about an hour and Addison being happy for Sean getting along with her friends.

About an hour later:

Addison starts to feel a weird feeling coming from her stomach and she tries not to make a big deal of it so she doesn't show she's in pain in front of Sean Charli and Dixie. But Sean knows something is wrong with Addison.

Sean: Hey, are you okay?
Addison: Yeah, I'm fine *fake smiles and holding her stomach*
Sean: Are you sure?
Addison: *nods and gets up holding her stomach*
Charli: Are you 100% sure?
Addison: Yea... *starts to say yes but she feels something wet coming down her legs*
Addison: Um... I think my water just broke.
Dixie: But you still have a month left.
Addison: I know..
Sean: Okay, I'll grab the hospital bag and Dixie Charli take her to the car and time her contractions.
Charli: Okay

Dixie helps Addison to the car while Sean grabs the hospital bag in the nursery she prepared when she went into labor. He heads to the car after locking the front door and drives Addison to the hospital.

They get to the hospital and Sean helps Addison inside.

Nurse: How can I help you?
Sean: My girlfriend is in labor.
Nurse: Okay, let's get her in a wheelchair and up to a room.

The nurse takes Addison up to a room and soon she will give birth to her baby girl who she's excited to meet.

Hope you guys liked this chapter. Addison's in labor a month early. Will everything go okay or will there be something wrong with the baby?

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