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Liked by Brycehall, taylerholder, and 3,922,905 Likes Addisonraee: ❤️ be mine ❤️ :) Comments: Dixie: my best friend finally had a boyfriend after all this time I'm so happy for you

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Liked by Brycehall, taylerholder, and 3,922,905 Likes
Addisonraee: ❤️ be mine ❤️
Dixie: my best friend finally had a boyfriend after all this time I'm so happy for you.
Addison has liked Dixie's comment.
Addison: Thank u! ☺️ ^^
Charli: I love this picture ❤️
Addison has liked Charli's comment.
Madi: If Bryce breaks your heart let me know so I can beat his ass.
Addison: I promise I'll tell you. ^^
Brycehall: Ma baby forever 😘
Addison has liked Bryce's comment.
Addison: I love you! ^
Sheri: Glad to see you happy see you in a few days.
Addison: Can't wait to see you guys 🥺 ^
Monty: My baby girl is all grown up 😢
Addison liked Monty's comment.
Addison: I'll always been you're baby girl no matter what ^^
Braddisonupdates: I'm crying over Bryce and her parents comments. 🥺
Addison has liked braddisonupdates's comment.
Braddison: 😍
Addison has liked Braddison's comment.
Blake: I'm glad you make Bryce happy he hasn't been this happy in a long time.
Addison has liked Blake's comment.
Addison_lover: is Bryce meeting your family when they come visit you?
Addison: maybe 🤫 ^^
Tony: Gorgeous
Addison: please leave me along I'm not interested ^^
Bryce: Please stop commenting on my girlfriend's post she doesn't like you thank you
Tiktokroom: 👀 ^^

Addison is setting up her guest room in her apartment for her parents and her brothers while Bryce is helping her.
Addison: Are you excited to meet my family babe?
Bryce: Yeah, but I don't know why but I'm a little nervous for your dad's reaction.
Addison: *giggles* My dad will love you don't worry *makes the bed in the guest room*
Bryce: You're right I mean I love myself so he will love me.
Addison: *giggles and walks over to him wrapping her arms around his neck*
Bryce: *wraps his arms around her waist*
Addison: Just be yourself like you are around me the Bryce I love.
Bryce: I can do that *smiles*

Hope you liked this chapter. Sorry I haven't posted in over a week I've haven't had the best of days of 2021.

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