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Bryce had just left from seeing Amelia and Addison had been thinking what she overheard Bryce telling Amelia. She gets lost in her thoughts until Sean keeps calling her name.

Sean: Addison...
Addison: *snaps out of it* Yeah?
Sean: You okay?
Addison: I'm fine, just thinking that's all.
Sean: I know that must have been hard for you seeing Bryce.
Addison: I just feel bad I don't know if he should be in Amelia's life. I mean we did break up on bad terms but this is the first time I'm seeing him since I left California.
Sean: I know and you decide to make if you want Bryce in Amelia's life. But if you decide to let him be in her life then I'll be her dad figure even though I'm not her real dad.
Addison: Thank you for being so great for me and my pregnancy I couldn't have done it without you.
Sean: I'm lucky to help no matter what *kisses her head*
Addison: The real question is are you ready for the sleepless nights ahead of us.
Sean: *chuckles* I'll take the challenge.
Addison: Do you think I should post Amelia or should I wait?
Sean: It's up to you baby.
Addison: I think I will people are wondering why I'm not active anymore.

Addison grabs her phone and logs back into her Instagram finding a pic of Amelia she took after she gave birth to her.

Addison's Instagram:

Addison's Instagram:

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Liked by 3,456,890 people Addisonraee: Amelia Claire Rae 🤍Born October 2, 2021 Comments: Dixiedamelio: Wait, when did you even get pregnant? Charlidamelio: I'm confused

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Liked by 3,456,890 people
Addisonraee: Amelia Claire Rae 🤍
Born October 2, 2021
Dixiedamelio: Wait, when did you even get pregnant?
Charlidamelio: I'm confused.
Caitlyn: Is this the reason why you left California?
TikTokroom: 👀
Sheri: Um.... Wow, no wonder why you haven't contacted us in over a year.
Monty: 😳
Braddison: She's cute 🥺
Braddisonupdates: Wait Bryce liked this post 👀
Sean: She's beautiful just like her mama.
Addison liked Sean's comment.
Addison: I love you, babe. 😘 ^
Braddison: Wait she has a new boyfriend?
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Bryce's POV:
I was back home in California knowing I'm not going to see my daughter anymore I felt devastated knowing that was the only time I'm going to see her. I knew when I was going to have kids I wanted to be in their life seeing them growing up, taking their first steps, saying their first words. But I know that wasn't going to happen. I was laying down on my bed and I was scrolling through Instagram when I saw that Addison had posted a post of Amelia and I smiled looking at the pictures. I liked the post and every Braddison fan freaked out just because I liked a post of Addison's. That's how you know people still want me and her to be together again. I figured to let the fans know that I and Addison aren't back together or anything.

Bryce's Tweet:
Hey guys. I just wanted to come and tell you guys that I and Addison aren't back together. She has a special place in my heart from the time we spent together but we are moving on with our lives. I just liked her post to support her as a friend and nothing else more she's happy in her relationship and I'm happy in my relationship. Thank you for understanding.

Bryce sighs putting his phone down and closes his eyes thinking about Amelia because that's all he could think about when he got back he drifted off to sleep before Riley comes over later to hang out.

(Back with Addison)

Addison is emptying out the overnight bag they brought to the hospital while Amelia is still sleeping in the crib and Sean walks into the bedroom.

Sean: Baby, you're supposed to be resting.
Addison: I know but I'm just cleaning up.
Sean: I could have done it for you.
Addison: I know you could.
Sean: You just gave birth yesterday you should be in bed resting.
Addison: Fine, but if Amelia walks up I need to get up.
Sean: If she does I'll get her and if she's hungry I'll bring her to you but if she just needs a diaper change I got it.
Addison: You're the best boyfriend ever.
Sean: *smiles and helps her into the bed*
Addison: Thank you.
Sean: Of course *pecks her lips*

Addison lays in bed watching tv resting until she hears Amelia and Sean walks in the room with her holding her walking over to the bed. Addison feeds Amelia and burps her afterward. They lay in bed together enjoying the time with each other.

Hope you guys liked this chapter. Let me know if I should do a time jump. I've been thinking about doing one for the next chapter. Will Addison and Sean be together forever or will Bryce try winning back Addison.

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