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Addison leaves the location where her photoshoot was and heads back to her apartment. Bryce is currently at her apartment since he saw the video with the paparazzi and her crying, but they also agreed on talking with each other face to face. She gets to her place 30 minutes later and walks inside her apartment.

Addison: I'm just going to change then we can talk.
Bryce: *on the couch* okay sounds good
Addison *goes to the bedroom and changes into some comfy clothes*
Bryce: *goes on Twitter while he waits*
Addison: *grabs her phone and posts something on her Instagram story*

Bryce: *on the couch* okay sounds good Addison *goes to the bedroom and changes into some comfy clothes* Bryce: *goes on Twitter while he waits* Addison: *grabs her phone and posts something on her Instagram story*

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Addison walks into the living room and sits on the couch next to Bryce and sets her phone down on the coffee table. Bryce had put his phone away so they don't get distracted.

Bryce: *picking at his nails and doesn't know what to say first*
Addison: Bryce please stop picking at your nails *hates when he does it*
Bryce: *stops* Sorry.
Addison: It's okay.
Bryce *sighs* I saw the paparazzi video of you today and you crying in the car.
Addison: *looks down* I can't stand how paparazzi gets into everyone's personal life.
Bryce: *touches her chin* I know I've been there everybody and has there moments with the paparazzi.
Addison: I didn't know what to do or say when they asked what was going on between us.
Bryce: It's none of their business to know about our relationship just us.
Addison: I don't even know what's going on with this relationship.
Bryce: You know that I love you.
Addison: Then why did you break up with me *starts to cry*
Bryce: *touches her hand* it's not because I don't love you please never think that I love you so so much.
Addison: *crying* it feels like it.
Bryce: Hey, you did nothing wrong at all, I just think you deserve someone that's way better than me. I'm referred to as the party animal. There's been so many rumors about me over the years.
Addison: I don't want anyone else but you why can't you see that.
Bryce: I want you to have a successful career and not have me as drama.
Addison: I only care about you and us. If I wanted to I would quit my career.
Bryce: There's another reason why I had to but it was to protect you.
Addison: Protect me from what?
Bryce: There's this guy Austin and I'm training to fight him in a few months but he blackmailed to break up with you or he would have gotten nudes of us and post them online.
Addison: *speechless*
Bryce: please say something baby.
Addison: I don't have no words.
Bryce: I'm trying to get him in trouble and make him go to jail for blackmailing I'm so close I've been trying for the last week.
Addison: Let me help you.
Bryce: Addison no we can't be seen together not right now anyways once he goes to prison we can go back to what we had.
Addison: *sighs* okay so you do that and let me know when you have time for me *gets up*
Bryce: Please don't be upset.
Addison: Why wouldn't I be? I thought you didn't love me. I thought you got sick of me and wanted to get away from me *cries more*
Bryce *tries to comfort her*
Addison: Don't, just go and I'll call you tomorrow or something.
Bryce: *sad* okay, I hope you know I love you so much.
Addison: *crying*
Bryce: *kisses her head and leaves*
Addison: *lays on the couch and cries*
Bryce: *heads home and tries to get enough proof for Austin to go to prison*
Addison: *cries herself to sleep*

Addison sleeps on the couch throughout the night. Bryce stayed up to collect a lot more proof. Addison knows that Bryce loves her with all his heart but it still hurts knowing the love of your life breaks up with you and doesn't know why. She's hurt that he just didn't tell her truth and she would have helped him as much as he needed.

The Next Morning
Bryce goes over to Addison's and walks into her living room and sees her sleeping on the couch. He goes over there and kisses her head but notices that she has tear stains and sighs*

Bryce: *wakes her up* Addison.
Addison: *slowly opens her eyes*
Bryce: Why did you sleep on the couch?
Addison: I accidentally fell asleep on the couch.
Bryce: I have good news the cops are heading to Austin's place right now to arrest him.
Addison: *sits up* really? How did you find proof?
Bryce: I stayed up all night.
Addison: you did?
Bryce: Yeah, I can't sleep at night since I broke your heart, I miss you so much in my arms being close to you, kissing you.
Addison: I miss you too and being close to you too.
Bryce: Then be my girlfriend again?
Addison: *giggles* that's how you're going to ask me out? It's not romantic.
Bryce: *smiles* Addison will you go on a date with me tonight?
Addison: I would love to. *smiles*

Bryce cuddles up to Addison and she plays with his hair and Bryce falls asleep and Addison slowly starts to dose off after him.

Hope you guys liked this chapter. Let me know your thoughts.

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