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Monty had untied Addison and was going to carry her out to the car. But before he could do anything else Sean came back into the room because he heard unfamiliar voices. Once Sean had gone done there he saw Monty and had shot him and the bullet hit his chest while Addison cried seeing her dad hit the floor.

Monty: I love you so much, sweetheart. *can barely keep his eyes up*
Addison: No, you have to stay with me, you need to meet Amelia your granddaughter since I've been a horrible daughter to you and keeping you away from her because I didn't know how you would react.
Monty: It's okay sweetie I forgive you. Just take care of yourself and Amelia. Let Bryce take good care of you guys.

After Monty has stopped talking and has his eyes closed hardly breathes. Addison cries knowing she might never see her dad again alive and it's all Sean's fault. Addison sees the gun that her dad dropped and hurries up and picks it up.

Sean: *laughs* like you are going to shoot me, Addison. You don't have the guts to do it.
Addison: Oh really, well you don't mess with me when you mess with the people I love.
Sean: You're bluffing. There's no way you are going to kill me.
Addison: *shots Sean*
Sean: *falls to the ground*
Addison: *walks over to him* I thought you said I didn't have the guts.
Sean: *coughing up blood*
Addison: Rot in hell.

Addison goes back over to her dad and checks on him and to see if he has a pulse or not.

Addison: Ben, we have to get my dad to the hospital.
Ben: Yeah,  I have a change of clothes for you in the car that Bryce gave me so when I found you.
Addison: Thank you so much, for saving my life I didn't think I would make it out alive.
Ben: There were a lot of people that we're worried about you.
Addison: Yeah I bet.

Ben carries Monty to the car and lays him in the back seat of the car and Addison goes inside the passenger seat but has no energy or strength after what has happened to her in the past couple of days. Ben starts up the car and drives off heading to the hospital.

Ben: Hey, so I promised to call Bryce when I had an update. Is it okay I call him I know that you guys argued before you left?
Addison: Yeah, that's fine you can call him.

Ben nods and dials Bryce's number and calls him while Addison puts her head on the window since she's so exhausted and weak. Also, since she has not eaten or drank anything since she was being captive.

(Phone Conversation with Ben & Bryce)

Bryce: Hey any update?
Ben: Yes, there's been a lot that's been going on.
Bryce: Okay, so what happened.
Ben: Well, first there's a lot to take in on what I'm about to tell you.
Bryce: Okay.
Ben: First off we found Addison.
Bryce: Thank god.
Ben: Yeah, and Sean was the one behind it her ex.
Bryce: That son of a bitch. I'll kill him.
Ben: There's no need for that.
Bryce: Why?
Ben: Well Sean came back into the room when we were going to get Addison out but he heard us and he shoot Monty. Then after that Addison grabbed the gun and shot & killed Sean.
Bryce: Omg, is Monty okay? Is Addison okay?
Ben: Monty is hardly holding on and Addison is very weak, pale, and has no energy.
Bryce: What hospital are you going to? I'll meet up with you guys?
Ben, We're going to..
Addison: *in a weak voice* No, don't come I don't want Amelia to see me like this.
Bryce: Addison, baby I want to make sure you're okay and safe. I've been so worried.
Addison: I know, I just want Amelie to see me like this.
Bryce: I'll drop her off at my mom's.

FYI Bryce and Addison told Lisa that they had a daughter together and she said whenever they needed a babysitter to drop Amelia off with her.

Addison: Okay. I love you. *in a low voice*
Bryce: I love you too. See you soon.
Addison: *slowly starts to close her eyes*
Ben: I'm going to let you go and hurry to the hospital it's the jet hospital.
Bryce: Okay, I'll be there.

(End Of Phone Call)

Bryce gets Amelia ready and packs a backpack for her since he's going to take her to his mom's house for a couple of hours while he goes to the hospital and be there with Addison and to see what happens with Monty.

Back with Addison:

Ben gets to the hospital after ten minutes after he ended the phone call with Bryce. Ben gets out and gets Monty out of the car and Addison gets out of the car but can hardly walk. They all go inside.

Ben: We need help over here!
Nurse: What do we have here?
Ben: Man got shot and the girl was held captive she's dehydrated and needs a check-up.
Nurse: Okay.
Addison: No, I can't leave my dad.
Nurse: The check-up won't be that long we just need to check up on you and then you can visit your dad.
Addison: Fine.

They take Monty back and do everything they can to save him and take the bullet out of his chest. Now with Addison, she's in the back getting everything checked and getting IVS since she's extremely dehydrated.

Doctor: So Addison, we are going to need you to stay here overnight until you have enough fluids in your system.
Addison: *nods* Okay.
Doctor: Also, I wanted to say that we will be back to tell you any news we have about your dad.
Addison: Thank you.

The doctor leaves the room and Addison is laying down on the hospital bed and she waits impatiently while she waits for news about her dad.

Thirty minutes later the doctor enters Addison's room and you can tell by the doctor's face that it's bad news. Addison looks at him.

Addison: Is my dad going to be okay?
Doctor: Unfortunately, we tried everything we could to save him but the bullet was too deep in his chest. I'm sorry to tell you this but he didn't make it.
Addison: *cries* No, that's not true. He can't be dead.
Doctor: I'm so sorry for your loss.

Hope you guys liked this chapter. Sean is gone and dead finally. But Monty doesn't make it either. Find out what will happen next in the next chapter.

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