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It's been an hour and Amelia is awake and Bryce is making dinner for the three of them. Addison had blocked Sean's number and turned off her location. Addison was on the couch with Amelia holding her.

Addison: So, sweetie I wanted to tell you that we are going to be staying at daddy's for a while.
Amelia: *happy* Really?
Addison: Yes. *smiles*
Amelia: Yay! *hugs Addison*
Bryce: Hey, where's my hug at?

Amelia gets up from the couch and runs to Bryce and hugs him. Bryce smiles then he looks at Addison who's smiling at them.

Amelia: I love you, mommy and daddy.
Addison: We love you so much, sweetheart.
Bryce: Mommy is right. Never forget that okay.
Amelia: *smiles* I'm going to play with my dolls until dinner is ready is that okay?
Addison: Of course baby girl.
Amelia: *goes to play with her dolls up in her room*

Addison gets up from the couch and heads into the kitchen.

Addison: Do you need any help with dinner?
Bryce: You could keep me company if you like but I've learned to be a better chef over the last three years.
Addison: I remember you were a bad cook, I'm excited to see if you got any better.
Bryce: For your information, Amelia loves my food.
Addison: She loves food. *sits on the counter*
Bryce: So, has Sean tried contacting you?
Addison: I'm not sure I blocked him and turned my location off.
Bryce: That's good.
Addison: Anyways how are you and Riley?
Bryce: Oh, um we're not together anymore she got this job offer in Paris and she wanted me to come but I told her I couldn't since Amelia.
Addison: Oh, I'm sorry. If it wasn't for me you could have moved with her too.
Bryce: No it's okay it's not your fault.
Addison: What are you making?
Bryce: Oven Baked Chicken Parmesan
Addison: My favorite you still remember?
Bryce: I would never forget.
Addison: *smiles*
Bryce: Remember the first time I tried making it. That time was a total fail and I burnt it but you still tried it.
Addison: *giggles* yeah I remember that was some good times.

Bryce had put the pan in the oven and set the timer.

Bryce: *walks over to her* they were god I miss those times.
Addison: I do too.
Bryce: I missed hearing you giggle too it was my favorite thing about you.
Addison: I remember you would always say in interviews that were your favorite thing about me. *smiles*
Bryce: Well it still is. *moves a piece of her hair out of her face*
Addison: *looks at him*
Bryce: I know you just got out of an engagement and I want to kiss you but I know you're not ready so I'll wait.
Addison: Who said that you couldn't kiss me?
Bryce: *looks at her* I just thought you weren't ready because of what happened with Sean.
Addison: Oh shut up, and just kiss me already.
Bryce: *smiles and kisses her*
Addison: *kisses back and puts her fingers through his hair*
Bryce: *pulls away after a few seconds* Damn I missed those lips of yours. I missed kissing them.
Addison: *smiles* I missed the touch of your lips too Brycey.
Bryce: Oh, you still have that nickname for me like last time.
Addison: Yeah I missed calling you that.
Bryce: *pecks her lips and checks on the food*

Dinner was ready and Addison went to go get Amelia and they washed their hands and they sat at the table and they ate their dinner together like a family. After Addison offered to wash the dishes while Bryce took Amelia to change into comfy clothes. They were planning on having a family movie night. Addison was done in the kitchen and heads upstairs changing into sweatpants and a t-shirt. She walks into Bryce's room putting her hair up.

Addison: Did you guys pick a movie?
Amelia: Yeah. Come on mommy lay down with us.
Addison: *lays down in the bed with them*

They watch the movie together spending time with each other like a family. Amelia had fallen asleep halfway through the movie and Bryce and Addison stayed up watching the rest and another movie. After they watched a second movie Addison and Bryce went to sleep. Addison fell asleep before Bryce and he kissed both of their heads.

Bryce: I got my two favorite girls. I got back the love of my life.

Hope you guys liked this chapter. Braddison is back!

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