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Addison cried for a little bit longer while Dixie hugs her because she will always be there for Addison no matter what. After Dixie helps pack up all of Addison's apartment because she plans on moving to New Jersey where Addison doesn't know anybody and the paparazzi won't find her because she wants to keep a low profile.

Dixie: We're finished packing.
Addison: Thanks for your help.
Dixie: Of course, anything for you.
Addison: I'm going to miss you so much.
Dixie: I'm going to miss you even more. I promise I'll come and visit whenever I can. I'll be there when you have your child.
Addison: I love you bestie.
Dixie: I love you too *they hug*

They say goodbye and Dixie leaves back to her apartment and she's sad because she won't be able to hang out with her best friend for who knows how long until Dixie goes and visits Addison. Dixie will miss her so much but she knows this is the right thing for Addison to do especially if she's pregnant with Bryce's child.

Addison decides that it is best if she didn't say goodbye to her family because she knows that if she goes to say goodbye to them they will talk her into staying and will ask her a million questions on why she's leaving and Addison doesn't want to tell her family that she's pregnant because she knows they'll hate her and she figures she'll lose contact with them if she doesn't say goodbye.

Now with Bryce, she has decided that she won't tell him that she's pregnant with his child because she doesn't want to ruin his life and career and she can't face him right now because she had just broken up with him because of the rumors that she thought was true but everyone else thought they were just stupid fake rumors going around. She wants the best for Bryce and she knows that she can't give him that right now or in the future. She just hopes that Bryce can find a girl that will love him for him and can fully trust him like she couldn't.

She puts all her boxes and everything she had packed into her car because she was going to drive to New Jersey even though it takes a couple of days to get there when you drive but Addison was okay with that. She can clear her head even though she has to take in that she's pregnant.

She looks at her empty apartment.

Addison: It's been fun but it's time that this chapter of my life comes to an end. Here we come New Jersey. *talking to herself and touches her stomach*

Addison: To our new beginning of life baby. *talking to her stomach*

She locks up and hands the keys back to the manager of the apartment complex and goes back to her car getting in and starts to begin her road trip to her new home New Jersey and saying goodbye to California forever.

Hope you guys liked this chapter. I know this one is short but two chapters in one day. Addison didn't say goodbye to her family or friends or even Bryce. Will her family be mad?

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