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Addison and Bryce spent all day with Amelia and had a family day. It was now night time and it was time for Amelia to get ready to go to bed but she was refusing to go to sleep and started to throw a tantrum while she was doing so she accidentally kicks Addison in the face twice really hard.

Addison: Amelia Claire Rae Hall! Go to your room now no bedtime story tonight! *raised her voice and mad*
Amelia: No mommy. *starts to cry knowing she hurt Addison*
Addison: Go! I'm not going to ask again!
Amelia: *crying and goes to her room and lays in her bed*
Addison: *in pain on her face and heads into her and Bryce's bedroom and goes into the bathroom*
Bryce: *sighs and decides to check on Amelia and not Addison first*

Bryce heads into Amelie's room to see her on her bed crying into her pillow. Bryce goes over to her and sits down on the bed rubbing her back.

Bryce: You made mommy sad and hurt.
Amelia: I didn't mean to I just didn't want to go to bed. *sad she hurt her mom*
Bryce: I know baby but it's your bedtime. *rubbing her back*
Amelia: Does mommy hate me now?
Bryce: No she doesn't she still loves you she just is sad that you didn't listen and you hurt her.
Amelia: I wish I didn't hurt mommy.
Bryce: You can tell her sorry in the morning but it's past your bedtime.
Amelia: *nods and lays back down*
Bryce: *wipes her tears and kisses her head while he tucks her in bed* I love you.
Amelia: I love you too daddy.

Amelia starts to close her eyes and Bryce leaves her room quietly closing the door after him. He heads into their bedroom and doesn't see Addison on the bed or in the bed. She's been in the bathroom since she went into their room.

Bryce: Addison?
Addison: *wipes her tears and leaves the bathroom* what?
Bryce: Are you okay? *walks over to her*
Addison: *backs up* Just don't now you care?
Bryce: I wanted to check on our daughter.
Addison: So, what you are saying is that I was too harsh on her even though I was the one in pain right?
Bryce: That's not what I'm saying.
Addison: It seems like that. I knew she was going to go to her room and fall asleep on her own.
Bryce: I just wanted to check up on her. She felt bad.
Addison: Sometimes when you are a parent you can't reward a kid when they got into trouble or when they hit their parent.
Bryce: *sighs* Look I'm sorry.
Addison: I'm just going to go and stay with my parents.
Bryce: Are you going to be mad at me for this?
Addison: I haven't seen them since I've been back and I just don't get how you can check on your daughter when she's in trouble you don't reward her.
Bryce: I already said sorry and that I wanted to check up on her.
Addison: I know she was going to be fine if nobody went in her room she would have fallen asleep I've done this parenting thing longer than you have.
Bryce: Oh, wow well that's not my fault that I wasn't in my child's life a lot because you left when found out you were pregnant and didn't tell me I had to find out by Charli! And not to mention you were going to make our daughter believe that Sean was her father. Do you know how that made me feel?! *angry and raised his voice*
Addison: I didn't know you felt that way.
Bryce: Well duh!
Addison *sighs*
Bryce: I'll be in the guest room until you head to your parents.

Bryce heads into the guest room and Addison packs an overnight bag for her parents. Which she got everything she heads downstairs and leaves. She puts her bag in the back seat and drives off. She didn't head up going to her parents because she knows they hate her for leaving without telling them or them never meeting Amelia. So, she finds an empty parking lot and she parks in there and she sleeps in her car for the night and she had finally fallen asleep after crying for a little bit.

Hope you guys liked this chapter. Amelia hurt Addison. 🙁 Also it made Addison and Bryce get into an argument. Will they fix things will they call it quits again?

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