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Liked by: Blakegray, Noahbeck, Addisonraee, and 1,330,467 others Brycehall: young stunna Comments: Noahbeck: Our boy is a model now 🙃Bryce: yes I am ^Blakegray: Nice pic bro 😎 Bryce has liked Blake's comment

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Liked by: Blakegray, Noahbeck, Addisonraee, and 1,330,467 others
Brycehall: young stunna
Noahbeck: Our boy is a model now 🙃
Bryce: yes I am ^
Blakegray: Nice pic bro 😎
Bryce has liked Blake's comment. ^
Bryce: Thanks ^
Monty: Swag
Bryce has liked Monty's comment.
Addison: you look sexy 😍
Bryce has liked Addison's comment.
Bryce: Thanks cutie 😉 ^
Braddisonupdates: you should become a model you'll do great
Bryce & and Addison has liked Braddisonupdates's comment.
Braddison: Addison has some good taste.
Addison and Bryce liked Braddison's comment.
Hater: How can Addison date him he's not even good looking 🤮
Addison: He's perfect and I love him. ^^
User123: my favorite sway boy.
Bryce has liked user123's comment.
Bryceshallmom: my boy I miss you.
Bryce: I miss you too mom you have no idea. ^^
Tayler: I can do better 😂
Bryce has liked Tayler's comment.
Addison: How can somebody be so perfect 🤩
Bryce has liked Addison's comment.
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Addison's POV:
I'm finally going to my family after months without seeing them in person. I'm so happy to my parents and brothers I've missed them so much.
I'm currently waiting at the airport at their gate number for them. After about a good five minutes I finally see my mom and dad with my brothers behind them.
(Runs up to her parents and hugs them then her brothers)
Addison: I missed you guys so much I'm so happy to see you guys.
Sheri: We missed you too sweetie
Monty: I missed my baby girl *hugs Addison*
Addison: *hugs back*
Lucas: Sorry to interrupt this family reunion but I'm starving so can we go get some lunch.
Addison: *laughs* of course buddy let's go get some lunch then we'll go back to apartment and so you guys where I live.
Addison helps her family with their bags and goes back to the car and have a nice family lunch and catch up after months being apart.

Hope you guys liked this chapter. Let me know your thoughts. There's going to be some drama coming in the next couple chapters so get ready for that. Let me know if you think what's going to happen that drama starts.

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