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It's been 24 hours since Addison gave birth and it's time for her and Amelia to go back home and Sean was taking them back to her house. Addison was putting Amelia in her car seat and it's still painful for her to walk still. Sean went to get the car and had taken the bags down with him so he can put them in the car.

Addison: Are you ready to go home baby? *kisses Amelia's head*
Amelia: *smiles*
Addison: *smiles* let's go see daddy.

She picks up the car seat and goes downstairs to the lobby and goes outside to see Sean outside with the car. He opens the back seat so Addison can put it in the car seat in the car and makes sure it's locked and in the right place. She gets in the car and Sean closes the door and gets in the driver's seat.

Addison: *sitting in the back just in case*
Sean: You comfy back there baby?
Addison: Yeah, it's just weird sitting back here I'm usually sitting up there with you while you have your hand on my thigh.
Sean: I know baby.
Addison: I just want to seat back here when we drive home.
Sean: Yeah.
Addison: I'm very pleased to have you in my life I love you. *leans forward to kiss his cheek*
Sean: *smiles* I love you too.

Since last night when they told each other they loved each other for the first time they've been saying it a lot because they are so in love with each other and Sean is in love with Amelia.

They head home and Sean drives very carefully because of Amelia. Addison is just admiring Amelia on the ride home. After about ten minutes they get to Addison's house and Sean takes the hospital bag inside while Addison unbuckles Amelia and picks her up carrying her inside and she had fallen asleep so Addison goes upstairs to lay her down in her crib and she turns on the baby monitors and she grabs one of them and heads downstairs.

Addison: She didn't wake up when I put her down.
Sean: That's good *smiles*
Addison: How did I get so lucky to have you in my life? *wraps her arms around his neck*
Sean: The question I should ask is how did I get lucky to have you because you are gorgeous and an amazing girl. *wraps his arms around her waist*
Addison: *smiles and kisses him*
Sean: *kisses back*

While they are kissing they hear someone knock on the door. Addison groans and pulls away walking to the door and opens it seeing that it's Bryce.

Addison: What are you doing here?
Bryce: I'm here to my daughter I just want to see her once and I'll be out of your life for good.
Addison: Fine. I'll let you see her once and that's it. I'm happy in my life with my daughter and Sean.
Bryce: I know I'm glad you found someone that made you happier than I did. I found love too with Riley.
Addison: I'm glad you did as well.
Bryce: Thank you.
Addison: Follow me.

Addison walks up the stairs with Bryce behind her going to the nursery while Sean is in the backyard giving them their time. Addison puts the baby monitor on the dresser. Bryce walks up to the crib.

Bryce: She's beautiful *touches Amelia's fingers*
Addison: She is.
Bryce: What's her name?
Addison: Amelia Claire Rae.
Bryce: What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. *smiles*
Addison: I'll give you some time with her.
Bryce: Thank you.
Addison: *steps out of the room and closes the door a little bit*
Bryce: Hi baby, I'm your daddy I want you to be the best girl for your mommy, and don't give her a hard time for me. You probably won't see me anymore after this. But I wanted to let you know that I will always love you for the rest of my life baby. I will never forget you even though you might not know me in your life. But Sean will take care of you with your mommy is amazing and happier she's ever been. *has a few tears*
Addison: *hears what Bryce said and sad*
Bryce: *kisses Amelia's head* I will love you always and forever.

Bryce walks out of the nursery and wipes his tears and hugs Addison.

Bryce: Thank you for letting me see her.
Addison: Of course you deserved to see her I mean she's your daughter as well.
Bryce: I should get going I don't want to intrude any longer.

Bryce walks downstairs and he tells Sean to take of Amelia for him like it's his own child and after he told Sean that he walks out of the house leaving. Addison sighs locking the front door thinking about what Bryce told Amelia.

Hope you guys liked this chapter. Will Addison feel bad for Bryce and will let Bryce see his daughter more or will that be the only time Bryce will see his daughter?

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