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It's been 48 hours since Sean and Addison have been engaged and Addison was getting suspicious since Sean hasn't been acting like himself. He's currently at work and Amelia was currently napping in her room. Addison wanted to snoop around to see if she can find out why Sean has been acting weird. She sits at the desk and turns on Sean's laptop he has at home. She puts in his password. She snoops on his laptop to find a tab called Addison and she clicks on it and shows a bunch of links and she presses on the first link and a video pops up and it's her and Sean's first time they had sex. She checks each link and he's recorded them having sex each time. Addison can't believe it and finds another link but this time it was an email sent to his wife back home saying how pretending to be in love with Addison was hard and he missed being with his wife.

Addison's POV:
I can't believe what I just saw and he's been using me this entire time while he has a wife back in Louisiana. He's not in love with me he's just pretending to be in love with me to money from me. I'm so beyond mad and upset so I get up and grabs a suitcase and starts packing her things. After she goes into Amelia's room to wake her up.

Addison: Sweetheart, it's time to wake up. We're leaving.
Amelia: Where are we going mommy?
Addison: We can't stay here anymore.
Amelia: Okay *gets up*

Addison helps Amelia get dressed since she was in pajamas and she packs up Amelia's things. She carries the bags into her car and comes back for Amelia. Addison had left the engagement ring on the bed. Addison puts Amelia in the car buckling her up. Addison didn't know what to do but she just drove and when she reached her destination she ended up being at Bryce's house. She carefully got Amelia out of the car since she fell back to sleep. Addison rings the doorbell and Bryce answers it.

Bryce: Hey I didn't know you were dropping her off today.
Addison: Actually, I was wondering if we can stay here for a bit *has been crying while she was driving there*
Bryce: Yeah, of course.

Addison walks in and puts Amelia in her room she has at Bryce's house. After a few seconds she comes back down the stairs.

Addison: I'm sorry this was so last minute.
Bryce: It's okay *on the couch*
Addison: *sits next to him*
Bryce: *notices she's been crying* Are you okay? What's wrong?
Addison: *bursts into tears again* Sean he's been lying to me.
Bryce: About what?
Addison: He's been pretending to be in love with me and he has a wife back home in Louisiana and he's just using me for my money.
Bryce: Oh Addison *rubs her back*
Addison: That's not the worst part, *sighs* he has taped us every time we've had sex *cries even more*
Bryce: *feels bad and hugs her* it's going to be okay.
Addison: I just can't believe it. I guess I can't be loved after all.
Bryce: Hey, that is not true I loved you so much and I still do.
Addison: *looks at him* You still love me after I didn't trust you thinking you cheated on me.
Bryce: Yes.
Addison: Thank you.
Bryce: Stay as long as you want. You are welcomed here and so is our beautiful daughter. But we can file a police report on Sean later.
Addison: *nods* Sounds good. Can I cuddle with you?
Bryce: Of course come here.

Addison gets closer to Bryce and they cuddle on the couch together. Deep down in Addison's heart she knew she still loved Bryce and missed him so much even if she didn't want to believe it was true and she just wanted to believe she was over him by being with Sean.

Hope you guys liked this chapter. Plot Twist... 😳 Three chapters in one day.

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