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Bryce: No, I'm not leaving... until I see my daughter.
Addison: I suggest you leave before I call security to escort you out.
Bryce: First, you hide your pregnancy from me even though I'm the father and second, you moved to a different state so nobody found out you were pregnant.
Addison: I don't want you in my daughter's life I'm going to take care of her and Sean will help me.

Amelia starts to cry because she's hungry and Bryce yelling. Sean hands Addison Amelia.

Bryce: Whatever Addison, I'm going to see my daughter one way or another I can't believe I dated you and you didn't trust me and now you don't even trust me to see my daughter.
Bryce: Come on Riley.

Bryce grabs Riley's hand and leaves the hospital.

Addison: *sighs*
Sean: I didn't expect to meet your ex/ baby daddy like that.
Addison: I know I'm so sorry I told Dixie and Charli to not tell anyone but I guess Charli did.
Sean: Hey, it's okay I don't want you to be upset. I want you to be happy because you just gave birth to your beautiful daughter. Also, I want you to know that you have been the best thing that has ever happened to me and I am grateful that you wanted me to be here when you gave birth.
Addison: You're right this is supposed to be a happy moment and I'm glad you were here too.
Sean: Do you want me to step out for a bit so you can feed Amelia I can get you some food or just wait outside the door?
Addison: I am a bit hungry if you don't mind.
Sean: Of course, I don't I'll be back *pecks her lips*
Addison: Thank you. *smiles*
Sean: Anything for you I'll be back soon, I love you and I love you, Amelia.
Addison: We love you too *smiles*

Sean heads out to grab some food for him and Addison. While he's gone Addison breastfeeds Amelia and Addison just admires her.

Addison: I love you so much and I promise that I'm going to keep you safe from anyone who gets in the way of us. You're my everything, baby girl. *playing with Amelia's finger and has a few tears*

After about fifteen minutes Amelia finishes eating and Addison covers herself up and she burps Amelia after she finishes burping Sean walks back in with some food for him and Addison. Right, when he walked in he saw that Addison was walking to put Amelia down since she fell asleep.

Sean: Baby, you are supposed to be resting.
Addison: I know but I didn't know how long you would be gone and I was just getting up to lay her down.
Sean: I don't want you to hurt yourself. You did just have a baby.
Addison: I know.
Sean: Here let me help you back to the bed.

He puts the food down and helps Addison back into the hospital bed and fixes her pillows and makes sure everything is okay for her. Sean heads her the food and she says thank you and he sits on the edge of the bed and they eat together and chat while sharing some giggles. After they finish eating Sean throws away their trash.

Sean: Do you want me to get Charli and Dixie for you?
Addison: Yeah please *exhausted*
Sean: I can tell them to come back tomorrow if you are too tired and so you can get some rest.
Addison: I can hang for a little bit with them and I can go to sleep in your arms.
Sean: Okay, I'll be back my love.

Sean leaves to go get Charli and Dixie from the waiting room telling them that the baby had been born and they follow Sean to Addison's room. Dixie and Charli walk in first and after Sean walks in closing the door.

Addison: Hi guys.
Dixie: Hi congratulations on your baby girl.
Addison: Thank you! *smiles*
Charli: Addison, I'm sorry for calling Bryce I don't know what went over me. I swear I don't want you to be mad at me especially after you having a baby.
Addison: I'm not mad at you don't worry about it.
Dixie: So, what's her name? *walks over to see Amelia*
Addison: Amelia Claire Rae
Dixie: That's a beautiful name.
Charli: It truly is. *smiles*
Dixie: She's so beautiful.
Addison: Yeah she is.

Charli and Dixie stay for about thirty minutes until they see her getting tired so they say goodbye to Addison and Sean then kisses Amelia on her head. They head back to Addison's place since they were staying with her. Sean closes the door after they leave and he uses the bathroom and by the time he gets out he sees that Addison fell asleep and he walks over to cover her up with the blanket and he checks Amelia who's still sleeping then he gets into the bed with Addison being careful and falling asleep shortly after.

(With Bryce)

Riley and Bryce got back to the hotel they were staying at and Bryce was very furious about the way Addison acted and how she said that Sean was going to be there for Amelia but he knows damn well that he's going to be there for his daughter because Sean is not the father. Riley is going to stick by Bryce's side during this hard time for him. Bryce takes a shower with Riley and afterward, they went to bed.

Hope you guys liked this chapter. So much drama. Will Addison let Bryce be in Amelia's life or will Sean take over to be Amelia's father.

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