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Liked by Addisonraee, joshrichards, dixiedamelio and 2,345,789 others Brycehall: Date Night 😘Comments:Joshrichards: Simps 😂Bryce has liked Josh's comment

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Liked by Addisonraee, joshrichards, dixiedamelio and 2,345,789 others
Brycehall: Date Night 😘
Joshrichards: Simps 😂
Bryce has liked Josh's comment.
Addison has also liked Josh's comment.
Dixiedamelio: She's mine!
Bryce liked Dixie's comment.
Bryce: she's my girlfriend 🥺 plus you have Noah ^
Dixie has liked Bryce's comment.
Dixie: Yeah that's true.
Bryce and Noah liked Dixie's comment.
Noahbeck: Glad to see you guys on good terms again.
Bryce has liked Noah's comment.
Addisonraee: I love you so much bby. 🥰
Bryce has liked Addison's comment.
Bryce: No, I love you more! 🥺
Addison has liked Bryce's comment.
Charlidamelio: I swear they are like this in person or when they don't see each other for days 😂 ^
Bryce and Addison has liked Charli's comment.
Braddison: My favorite couple is back to posting together 🤩
Bryce and Addison has liked braddison's comment.
Addilover: You guys are so cute!
Bryce and Addison has both liked addilover's comment.
Brycehallsmom: Cuties
Bryce and Addison have both liked brycehallsmom's comment.
Montylopez: We miss you guys.
Addison and Bryce has liked Monty's comment.
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Bryce and Addison woke up together since Bryce had slept over at Addison's apartment last night after their date night. They woke up to each other cuddling and didn't want to face reality and get out of bed. But Bryce had to go work out for his fight and Addison was planning on going to the gym as well. So Bryce agreed to going to gym with her and the guys will meet him there. They get out of bed and Addison goes to change into her gym outfit and so does Bryce. They leave to head to the gym and they met up with the others at get to dog pound. While walking to the front entrance of course the paparazzi have spotted them and now following with them with a much of questions.

They ignore the paparazzi because they didn't want to deal with all the questions and they head inside the gym with their friends and work out

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They ignore the paparazzi because they didn't want to deal with all the questions and they head inside the gym with their friends and work out.

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