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Bryce was trying everything to help find Addison but he had gotten a call from the officer that Bryce filed the missing person report. Bryce answers his phone.

(On the Phone)
Bryce: Hello.
Officer: Yes, this is officer Ben the one on the case to find Addison Rae.
Bryce: Yes, did you find anything?
Officer: We did, we got a call from somebody saying that they heard some yelling and unpleasant sounds in a neighborhood that's about 10 miles out from where you guys live.
Bryce: Well then let me go and I'll help you.
Officer: No, I want you to stay at home with your daughter, and me and Addison's dad will go down there because I had contacted him about her missing.
Bryce: I'm not sure if that's a good idea she hasn't talked to her dad in years.
Officer: Monty was really worried and concerned when I called him about his daughter just trust us.
Bryce: Okay pls call me if there's any update.
Officer: I will.

(End Of Phone Call)

Bryce puts his phone down and closes his laptop not knowing what to do since he can't help rescue Addison but he will see her soon and Amelia will be able to see her mom soon. He gets up from the chair and heads into the kitchen to make some food for himself since Amelia is taking a nap. Also, he made sure that his ringer was on his phone so he can hear it if the officer calls him with any updates.

Officer Ben and Monty start to head out to the neighborhood where the lady called and complained about noises and unpleasant noises. It's a long drive over there and they hope it's the right place where Addison is so they can bring her home to Bryce and her daughter. Also, Ben and Monty have been friends for years so they know each other and how Monty hasn't seen Addison in four years.

Ben: Are you feeling knowing that you'll see Addison after four years?
Monty: It's kinda mixed feelings like this is under some shitty circumstances and this will be my first time seeing her in four years. I wish it would have been better circumstances seeing her again. But I'm nervous and very anxious.
Ben: Yeah, I get it but we'll get her back and back home safely.
Monty: Yeah.

They continue to drive to their destination and where Addison is being held captive. Also, Ben has the police sirens on so they can speed more because it's an emergency to get there soon. But obviously, he will turn off the sirens when they get closer to the abandoned house where Addison is being held against her will.

(Back with Addison)
She didn't eat the food that Sean left her because it's not like she could eat if she wanted to because her hands are tied up still and the other reason is she will not eat any food that Sean brings her. Addison is sitting on the floor tied up against a pole in an empty room. She tries to make noises so people outside will hear but who knows if it works or not. She's making loud bangs on the pole and a few seconds later she hears the door open and that means Sean heard her and is coming down there to shut her up.

Sean: DAMN, you're so annoying! *takes the gauze out of her mouth*
Addison: I wouldn't be so god damn annoying if you didn't take me hostage in the first place.
Sean: Like I said I wanted my revenge.
Addison: Oh please you didn't even love me.
Sean: I did love you I just loved my wife more.
*bends down to her level*
Addison: You didn't love me at all. Just using me.
Sean: Shut Up!
Addison: Make me. *raises her voice*
Sean: *slaps her in the face a couple of times*
Addison: *turns her head away*
Sean: I know what it's time for.
Addison: No, pls my body hurts.
Sean: Well you should have thought about that.
*unbuckles his pants*
Addison: No pls *has a few tears*
Sean: Sorry sweetheart. *pulls down his boxers and pulls down her shorts and underwear*
Addison: *screams*
Sean: Oh, now you're just going to get it even more rough than normal.

Sean puts himself into Addison and does it, even more, rougher and harder than before. While he's thrusting inside her fast and harder he plays with her boobs. Addison is crying and screaming no. She doesn't even try to get him off her because she's so weak and tired of fighting.

(Back with Ben & Monty)

They have turned off the sirens because they have made it to the destination and once they got out of the car they automatically hear a girl screaming. Ben gets his gun out and he goes into the side entrance of the abandoned house quietly with Monty behind Ben. They got a little bit closer to where Addison and Sean were and they both saw Sean getting up buckling his pants again.

Sean: God, I never forgot about how good you are at sex.
Addison: I hate you so fucking bad.
Sean: *smirks*
Addison: *has no more energy left in her to fight for her life*
Sean: *leaves the room and locks the door*

Addison is laying on the floor crying knowing she's not going to make it out of here. Monty and Ben are still around the corner and they slowly move and run to Addison.

Monty: Hey sweetheart. My poor baby.
Addison: *looks at him* dad?
Monty: I'm here sweetie.
Addison: *nods*
Ben: *unties her hands from the ropes*
Monty: Can you walk?
Addison: *shakes her head no*
Monty: That's okay, I'll just carry you to the car.
Addison: Okay. *has a weak voice and doesn't look that well*

Monty gets up and is about to pick up Addison but Sean heard unfamiliar voices so he grabs his gun and heads back into the room Addison is in. Right, when Sean goes back inside he goes right behind Monty.

Addison: Daddy! Watch out! *scared and crying*

Before anyone could do anything Sean shoots Monty and the bullet hits his chest and he falls on the floor.

Addison: No! Dad! I can't lose you! I'm sorry *cries more*
Monty: I love you so much sweetheart *barely can keep his eyes open*

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Monty and Ben found Addison. But things didn't go as planned. Will Monty die? You will find out in the next chapter.

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