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Addison is in the backyard sitting on the hammock while covering her face since she's crying that she's so damn terrified to go outside by herself because she thinks she'll get kidnapped again. Nobody knows how she feels after what happened to her. She feels like there's somebody still out there for her. But she's trying her best not to feel that way and to be happy she's back with her family even though she blames herself for her dad.

(Back With Bryce and Amelia)

Bryce: It's okay sweetheart just finish eating. *kisses Amelia's head*
Amelia: Okay. *wipes her tears away and eats*
Bryce: *gets up from the table* mom I'm going to go check on Addison.
Lisa: Okay I'll watch Amelia.
Bryce: Thank you, mom.
Lisa: Of course *smiles*

Bryce pushes his chair back in and heads to the sliding door and before he opens it and goes outside he takes a deep breath hoping it goes well and he slides the door open and goes outside to the backyard where Addison is and sits on the hammock next to her and pulls her into a hug*

Addison: *hugs him back and cries*
Bryce: *whispers* It's okay. *plays with her hair*
Addison: No, it's not. My dad is died, my mom hates me, I snapped at you and Amelia. I killed Sean I should go to jail.
Bryce: It was self-defense, Addison.
Addison: I was thinking when I did it after he shot my dad I just had this gut feeling and I just shot Sean.
Bryce: Things will get better baby.
Addison: When? I feel so many emotions and hurt. *trying to stop crying but can't*
Bryce: Time will just tell I can't tell you when it'll stop hurting.
Addison: Thank you.
Bryce: For what?
Addison: Just for being here with me. Even though I've been a bitch to you and yelling at Amelia.
Bryce: Stop apologizing.

Addison wipes her tears away and Bryce puts her onto his lap and wraps his arms around her. Addison puts her head on his shoulder and kisses his cheek and whispers thank you for being here for me. They just stay like that in the backyard for a while.

30 minutes later or so:
Bryce looks at Addison who is still on his lap and sees that she has fallen asleep so he gets up while carrying her back inside the house. Bryce walks into the living room where his mom and Amelia are.

Bryce: Hey, mom we are going to get going, Addison fell asleep so I'm going to put her in the car and come back for Amelia.
Lisa: Okay.

Bryce takes Addison to the car and puts her in the passenger seat and puts her seatbelt on and closes the car door quietly. Bryce goes back inside the house and grabs Amelia's backpack.

Bryce: Come on sweetheart, it's time to head home say goodbye to grandma.
Amelia: *gets up from the couch* Goodbye grandma I love you. *hugs Lisa*
Lisa: I love you too sweetheart. *kisses her head*
Bryce: Bye mom. Thanks again for everything today it's been a hard one.
Lisa: I'm here for anything you need. I'm glad I could help. It'll get better.

Bryce and Lisa hug and he heads outside to his car and puts Amelia in the car and he drives back home. When they got home Addison is still sleeping and Amelia has fallen asleep.

He takes Amelia inside the house first and puts Amelia in her bed and goes back to the car and gets Addison out of the car and locks it while heads inside the house and takes Addison to their room to lay her down. But when he laid her down on the bed she woke up a little and grabbed his hand.

Addison: *whispers* Stay with me?
Bryce: Of course, baby but I got to lock up and set the alarm I'll be back.
Addison: *nods*

Bryce goes to lock up the doors and sets the alarm and heads back upstairs. While Addison waited for Bryce she got up and got some comfy clothes and while she's changing Bryce walks in and sees all the bruises and marks on her.

Bryce: I'm sorry I should have knocked.
Addison: It's okay. Don't worry. *puts on Bryce's shirt with some sweats*
Bryce: *kisses her shoulder*
Addison: I just hope the way my body looks right now doesn't change the way you feel about me.
Bryce: I'll still love you the same as I have before.

They both get into bed and Addison puts her head on Bryce's chest while he wraps his arms around her and they go to sleep and Bryce finally can relax knowing Addison is okay.

Hope you guys liked this chapter. Will Addison be okay after what happened to her and what happened to her dad? Two more chapters left until this story is over. How do you think the story will end?

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