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Addison had woken up early the next morning because she had to leave to get some errands done so she gets into the shower while Bryce and Amelia are still sleeping. She washes her hair and washes her body after she finished she let the water just hit her for a few seconds before turning off the water and getting out of the shower. She wrapped a towel around her while she did her makeup and hair. While she was finishing up her hair Bryce had waken up and went into the bathroom.

Bryce: Why are you up so early?
Addison: I need to get some errands done so I'm getting ready.
Bryce: Oh, okay did you want me to watch Amelia for you?
Addison: I really would appreciate it if you could if you don't have anything important to do?
Bryce: Of course I'll watch her.
Addison: Thank you. *doing her makeup*
Bryce: I still don't understand why you wear makeup.
Addison: *smiles* I just love doing makeup that's all.
Bryce: I know, but you don't need it.
Addison: I remember you always used to stay that.
Bryce: It was the truth.

Addison finishes up her hair and makeup while Bryce peed in the toilet. She puts all her makeup back in her bag she keeps it in.

Addison: Don't worry me and Amelia won't be here that long I'll be looking for places to live.
Bryce: Why would you do that?
Addison: I mean I thought I'll get a place of my own we're not together at the point.
Bryce: So, that kiss meant nothing to you last night? Great to know Addison thanks for making me believe you still loved me. *sighs and leaves the bathroom after washing his hands*
Addison: *sighs and changes into an outfit*

Addison's Outfit:

While her hair is in a messy bun and has a natural makeup look

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While her hair is in a messy bun and has a natural makeup look. She heads downstairs to see Amelia is helping Bryce make breakfast.

Addison: Sweetheart, mommy has to run some errands but I'll be back later okay.
Amelia: Okay, I'll be here with daddy.
Addison: Have fun with him. I love you.
Amelia: I love you.
Addison: I'll see you later Bryce.
Bryce: Bye. *doesn't even look at her since he's upset with her*

Addison sighs and grabs her car keys leaving the house to do the errands she needs to do. She goes to get a new phone number and phone so none of Sean's friends can call her or even Sean. After she did that she decided she had to go to the store for a couple of things she needed for her period since she started her period when she woke up. As Addison was leaving the store Sean sees her and he runs up to her.

Sean: Why haven't you been returning my calls or text?
Addison: We're over.
Sean: Why? You just leave the engagement ring and just left.
Addison: Why don't you just go back to your wife?
Sean: She doesn't mean anything to me.
Addison: Keep lying to yourself and don't try to find me.
Sean: You little bitch, I've been anything but supportive with you and your stupid daughter with your toxic ex.
Addison: The only toxic person is you.
Sean: *slaps her face hard and punches her the stomach*
Addison: What the fuck is wrong with you?

The security saw and arrested Sean while they were asking Addison if she was okay and she told them she was fine. She left to go to her fat but she was in so much pain with the slap to her face and not to mention the punch to her stomach. She drives back to Bryce's place to say goodbye to them. After about 10 minutes she gets there and she goes inside seeing Bryce and Amelia on the couch. Once Amelia sees her she runs to Addison.

Addison: Hi. *hugs back but still in pain from what Sean did*
Amelia: Hi mommy.
Addison: I need to talk to you about something.  *kneels right in front of her*
Amelia: What is it?
Addison: Mommy has to go away but you will be in great hands with your dad who loves you very much in the entire world sweetie. I'm going to miss you so much but I will always be in your heart no matter what. Daddy is going to take care of you now.
Amelia: Where are you going? *sad*
Addison: I have to go away.
Amelia: No, I don't want you to go I want you and daddy here with me.
Addison: I know sweetheart but I can't *wipes Amelia's tears*
Amelia: *runs upstairs*
Addison: *sighs and gets up*
Bryce: What was that? Where are you going?
Addison: I don't belong here anymore Bryce. I'm not going to be here on earth anymore.
Bryce: No, don't tell me what I think you are about to do.
Addison: I'm sorry. *has tears and her stomach still hurts and got a bruise on her cheek*
Bryce: Addison, who did that to you?
Addison: It doesn't matter I won't be here anymore.
Bryce: I'm not going to let you leave.
Addison: Just know that I always loved you even with your doubts.

Addison leaves and drives rapidly away and heads to a cliff. She parks and leaves her car while on top of the cliff about to end her life. Bryce knew he couldn't leave because of Amelia so he had no choice but to call Monty Addison's dad to go to the cliff to save her. Bryce is hoping Monty can stop Addison from killing herself because he needs her and so does Amelia.

Hope you guys liked this chapter. Will Monty stop Addison?

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