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Doctor: I'm so sorry for your loss.
Addison: *cries* no that can't be true.

The doctor leaves and Addison is still crying many seconds later Bryce walks into Addison's room. Addison is in her hospital bed crying and looking at the wall.

Bryce: Baby, what happened? Why are you crying? *worried and goes over to her*
Addison: *crying* They said my dad didn't make it.
Bryce: I'm so sorry. Did they do everything they could?
Addison: *nods* They said they tried everything but he didn't make it.
Bryce: it's okay *hugs her and touches her hair*
Addison: *crying* no it's not. He doesn't get to meet his grandchild and the was the first time he saw me in years because I was stubborn.
Bryce: It's okay, he still loved you.
Addison: It still hurts knowing I can't spend any more time with him and he told me he forgave me before he closed his eyes.
Bryce: *kisses her head*
Addison: I want to see my dad. *looks at him*
Bryce: Baby I'm not sure if that's a good idea after what you went through.
Addison: *upset* what I went through my dad just saved my life and now he's dead because of me. The least I could do is say goodbye to him.
Bryce: *sighs* okay.

Bryce goes to get Addison a wheelchair because she's supposed to be resting but Addison demands to see her dad to know for herself if he's gone. Bryce comes back into the room punching the wheelchair. Addison gets up and sits in it. Bryce takes Addison to Monty's room and walks in with her. Bryce pushed her to the bed and Addison holds Monty's hand.

Addison: *wipes her tears* Can you give me a minute alone with my dad?
Bryce: Of course, I'll be outside if you need me. *kisses her head and walks out of the room closing the door behind him*
Addison: *holds Monty's hand* I'm so sorry for being so mean and a terrible daughter the last couple of years when I never called you or said goodbye to you or mom when I left town when I found out I was pregnant. I thought you and mom would be mad at me. I was so selfish not to call you guys and tell you that you had a granddaughter. *starts to cry* Now you'll never see me get married or watch Amelia grow up. Spend time with her or make up lost time with me because I was so damn stubborn. *crying harder*
Monty: -*just laying there not breathing*
Addison: Mom is going to be pissed at me for making you get killed and you not being there anymore for Lucas or Enzo. I'm truly sorry. I'm so grateful that you saved my life but in the process, you got hurt and killed because of me. I'll never forgive myself for the rest of my life knowing that I got my father killed. *kisses his hand and his head* Goodbye dad I'll miss you. Your little girl.

Addison wipes her tears and wheels herself out of the room since she's still in the wheelchair. Bryce sees her and walks up to her.

Bryce: You okay?
Addison: *nods* it just doesn't seem real.
Bryce: I know, let's you get back to your room so you can get some rest.
Addison: Okay.

Bryce takes her back to her room and when they get in there Addison sees her mom waiting for them. Addison is scared to know what her reaction will be since Monty is dead.

Addison: Hey mom. *whispers and can't look at her mom in the eyes*
Sheri: Hi, I can't believe I'm seeing you during this bad time.
Addison: I know I'm sorry that I didn't contact you or anything before I left or after when I came back here.
Sheri: We were hurt all of us even Lucas and Enzo.
Addison: I know I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I was scared to tell you guys I was pregnant so I ran away from my problems.
Sheri: I heard you got kidnapped I'm so glad you're okay.
Addison: Yeah, it was really bad. But I made it out alive because of dad. *starts to have tears*
Sheri: That right there is why I don't want to see you anymore or I don't want you around your brothers.
Addison: Look, I'm sorry.. for what happened.
Addison: *cries harder* I know! I will never forgive myself for this for the rest of my life mom.
Addison: I'm sorry why can't you see that!
Sheri: Because I lost my daughter years ago when she left and never told us or contacted us.
Addison: *looks away*
Sheri: I HATE YOU! I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN. *gets up and goes to slap her*
Addison: *holds her cheek*

Sheri leaves and goes to say goodbye to Monty and Addison just cries while Bryce is trying to comfort her.

Hope you guys liked this chapter. Sad chapter 😔 Monty didn't make it and Sheri is furious with Addison. 😳. Also, this story will be ending soon.

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