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Addison's POV:
I finally get home from LAX 20 minutes later and unlocks the front door and walks in turning on the light. As well as putting her purse done and locking the door. I walk into the living room and sees Bryce is laying down on the couch passed out. I think to myself he looks so cute, grabs her phone and takes a picture of him.
Addison: *walks over to the couch and kneels down touching his shoulder* Bryce.
Bryce: *groans but wakes up* hey when did you come back home?
Addison: I just got home.
Bryce: I don't remember passing out I was waiting for you to come back home because I knew you were going to be sad that your family left and needed some company.
Addison: I'm a little sad that I won't see them but they plan on moving here in a couple months.
Bryce: That's great.
Addison: yeah, how long were you waiting for me?
Bryce: Like an hour, plus I knew you wanted to see your sexy boyfriend.
Addison: *giggles* I mean I did miss my Brycey all day.
Bryce: You say Brycey so cute and the only one.
Addison: *smiles and lays next to him against his chest*
Bryce: *intertwines their hands together*
Addison: What did you do this morning?
Bryce: Worked out with the homies, then dropped off Noah at Dixie's apartment.
Addison: How was your work out?
Bryce: It was great plus getting those gains. *flexes his muscles*
Addison: *laughs*
Bryce: You have the most beautiful laugh and giggle ever.
Addison: *smiles* why do you always have to compliment me all the time?
Bryce: You're my girlfriend I have to plus I love seeing you blush.
Addison: I love you.
Bryce: I love you more. *pecks her lips*

They cuddle on the couch talking about random things and after awhile they both fall asleep in each other's arms.

Many hours later Bryce is still at Addison's apartment and they film TikToks together for her account and his before there food comes and they enjoy a cozy night in with just the two of them enjoying each other's company.
After filming tiktoks Addison goes to change into something comfy to wear. She picked out her favorite shirt of Bryce's and some sweatpants. She takes off her makeup and puts her hair up in a ponytail and goes back to Bryce.
(Back in the living room )
Bryce: Nice shirt. *smirks*
Addison: Thanks it's my favorite.
Bryce: I figured I mean I've been looking for that shirt. But it looks better on you.
Addison: *smiles*
Bryce: I picked out a movie to watch when the food gets here.
Addison: *sits on the couch* What is it?
Bryce: Bad Boys
Addison: I wanted to watch it but I knew you wanted to watch it so we could have watched it together.
Bryce: Yeah, I need my cuddle buddy while watching it.
Addison: *smiles*

After awhile they get there food and they both enjoy their food and they watch the movie together on the couch while cuddling and once the movie was over they went straight to sleep in each other's arms.

Hope you guys liked this chapter. I made it happy since what's been happening with Addison and Bryce with all the rumors spending around the internet.

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