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It's been two days since Addison broke things off with Bryce and they have been hard for her but she's been managing in her way. On the other hand, Bryce hasn't been that great since Addison broke his heart just because she didn't fully trust him and that hurt him so badly but he's not going to stop doing his work or live his life because of some girl that didn't have trust. Addison has been feeling sick ever since the day she broke up with Bryce and she can't tell what is wrong with her. She had woken up because she had the urge of throwing up and now Dixie is over at her apartment.
They've been hanging out more since they live in the same apartment complex.

Dixie: How many days is that where you got sick?
Addison: Probably five days now.
Dixie: You should get checked out or something.
Addison: I'm fine it's probably just a stomach bug that's going around.
Dixie: The thing is you get sick every morning you know what that means right?
Addison: No I am not pregnant I just can't.
Dixie: You could. When was the last time you and Bryce you know?
Addison: On Valentines Day.
Dixie: Did he use protection?
Addison: I don't remember.
Dixie: Just take a pregnancy test.
Addison: Why does this have to be happening to me? Especially after I broke up with Bryce because I'm too stupid.
Dixie: No you're not.
Addison: Yes I am I didn't fully trust him and he trusted me with his whole heart.
Dixie: Many couples have that problem.
Addison: I don't even know how am supposed to get a pregnancy test when the paparazzi follows us everywhere.
Dixie: Yeah I forgot about that.
Addison: I can't ask my parents because they will be pissed at me for getting pregnant if I am for that matter.
Dixie: Just have your cousin get two pregnancy tests the paparazzi doesn't know her.
Addison: Yeah, that's true. *texts her cousin Brie to buy her two pregnancy tests and to don't tell anybody*

Thirty Minutes Later.
Addison hears a knock at her door and opens it to see her cousin with the bag from the drug store.

Addison: Thank you.
Brie: Of course, and I promise I won't tell anybody about this.
Addison: Thank you I owe you one.
Brie: I should get going I have to get to work.
Addison: Okay, thanks again.

They hug and Addison closes the door and sighs knowing she didn't expect to be taking a pregnancy test at the age of 20. Addison grabs them out of the bag.

Addison: I'll be back Dixie I'm going to take both of them.

Addison goes into her bathroom and opens up both of the boxes and pees on both of the pregnancy tests and sets a timer to when she can look at them. She's nervous as shit right now thinking she could be pregnant and the baby daddy is Bryce which she just broke up with.

Dixie is downstairs waiting for Addison to come back when she knows if the tests are positive or negative. She's going to be there for Addison if it is positive and especially since she's not together with the baby daddy anymore.

Addison keeps pacing back and forth in her bedroom waiting for the results to find out if she's pregnant or not. She hopes she's not pregnant because she's too young and she's not ready for a child right now in her life. Her parents will flip out as well if they find out she's pregnant right now at only 20 years old.

Five minutes later.

The timer goes off and she turns it off then heads back into the bathroom and sighs before she flips over the two pregnancy tests and keeps repeating please be negative. She looks at the tests and she starts to have tears and slides down the wall holding the tests.

Addison: This can't be happening to me *crying and looking at the tests*
Dixie: Addison. *knocks on the bathroom door*
Addison: Come in. *wiping her eyes*
Dixie: *walks in* What did the tests say?
Addison: I'm pregnant *cries even more*
Dixie: I'm sorry *sits next to her and hugs her*
Addison: What am I supposed to do? My parents are going to hate me. I'm only 20 my career was taking off now. The paparazzi are going to suspect something is going on with me and on top of it Bryce we just broke up and our fans always loved us together and now I'm going to be having his baby.
Dixie: It's going to be okay. One step at a time.
Addison: *sighs* I think the best thing to do is to move to another state.
Dixie: Are you sure?
Addison: Yes, if I'm going to have this baby I need to live somewhere else.
Dixie: Okay I'll help whatever you need before you move.
Addison: Thank you.
Dixie: Of course you're my best friend.

They hug.

Hope you guys liked this chapter. Addison's pregnant 👀 where will she move to? Will she tell Bryce or just leave town without saying goodbye.

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