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(Here's an actual chapter for you guys since there is drama happening)

Addison's POV:
I ended up leaving the bathroom even though Bryce was still out there. I was so angry and upset at him I had so much tears running down my face. Right after I had opened the door I heard cries and I saw Bryce crying I knew comforting him would be wrong. He must have heard me because he got up and looked at me. I don't know what came over me but I slap him hard. After I heard him say while he was still crying that he deserved it.

Addison: I would have never hit you but you cheated on me and lied to me.
Bryce: Baby, I never meant to hurt you. I never cheated on you. She was a long time friend that I hadn't seen. I was going to tell you that I was meeting up with her my friend, but I didn't want to bother you I know you missed your family and i knew you were hanging out with them.
Addison: *whispers* You still could have texted me even if I was with my family. I would have understood if you just told me.
Bryce: I know and for that I'm an idiot.
Addison: *starts to cry again* Now the world think you cheated on me with a much more prettier girl.
Bryce: You are perfect, beautiful and an amazing girl I have ever met.
Addison: I probably look like trash right now.
Bryce: No you don't baby *wipes her tears*
Addison: My heart shattered when I saw those pics online.
Bryce: I only love you and I'll do anything to make it up to you.
Addison: You can start by posting something saying those are false accusations.
Bryce: I can do that what else do you want me to do?
Addison: You need to prove to me that I am good enough for you.
Bryce: You are.
Addison: It doesn't feel like that right now not during this situation or when Elle was commenting on your post months ago.
Bryce: I'm sorry you feel like that I will do my best.
Addison: *sits down on the couch and wiping her tears*
Bryce: Can I hold you?
Addison: *nods*
Bryce: *sits down next to her and pulls her into his arms*
Addison: *puts her head on his shoulder* this doesn't mean I'm forgiving you this easy you need show me that I'm the only one.
Bryce: I know
Addison: Did my parents leave?
Bryce: Yeah, they wanted to give us some space for a little bit.
Addison: I'm sorry for always overreacting when I see those stupid posts online. I'm just like that because of my ex.
Bryce: You don't need to apologize.
Addison: My parents probably aren't the biggest fan of you right now.
Bryce: I wouldn't either.
Addison: I'm sorry for slapping you I hope it didn't hurt.
Bryce: It's fine baby, what hurt me the most was hurting you and seeing that picture you posted.
Addison: I'll delete it don't worry.
Bryce: I never cry and tonight was the first time you saw me cry.
Addison: *kisses his cheek*
Bryce: I love you so much I don't want to lose you.
Addison: I don't want to lose you either.

After awhile Addison drifts off to sleep with her head on Bryce's lap and her parents come inside the apartment with her brothers and sees that she's fallen asleep so they quietly head to bed and said goodnight to Bryce. I guess they don't hate Bryce or think any different of him after what they saw online.
Bryce just admires Addison sleeping and doesn't ever want to make her cry again knowing it really did hurt him to see her like that. Bryce covers up Addison with a blanket.

Bryce: I know you can't hear me but you're my number one girl I want to be with and I will show you off to the world. I love you so much that I don't want to lose you ever. I'm not going to be that guy I was before you see the good in me and I'm going to be that person you love.
*kisses her head then stares at her for awhile until he drifts off to sleep*

Happy 4 months to Braddison! I knew I had to post a chapter today. Hope you guys liked this one and know you are loved.

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