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Three weeks later things haven't been the same for Bryce, Addison, and Amelia. Things have become worst for this family each day since Addison was saved while in the process her dad died from saving her. Addison has been having a lot of mood swings lately towards Bryce and Amelia and she doesn't know why. But her and Bryce haven't been the same since. She hasn't shown him any affection or any love since she's been home. It seems like they aren't even a couple. Addison doesn't even say I love you or call Bryce babe or baby like she used to. Bryce on the other hand has been trying everything he can to help out Addison but it seems like she doesn't even want his help and he's to the point where he wants to give up on their relationship. Addison has been lashing out at Amelia a lot and she was not proud of it how frequently she's been doing it.

Bryce had taken Amelia out for the day so Addison can have some alone time to herself at home since she hasn't gone out since the kidnapping. She still has nightmares she still can't leave the house by herself and lastly, she blames herself still for her dad.

(With Addison)
She's currently in the bathroom holding a pregnancy test waiting until the timer was up. She's been throwing up every morning for the last week and she's been having mood swings lately. Addison is nervous as fuck to see what the results are because if she is pregnant that means that is Sean's baby since he raped her the day she got saved and since she's been back her and Bryce haven't made love.

(Three minutes later)
Addison's timer went off and she picks up the test and takes a deep breath before turning it around. She turns it around and looks at it. She couldn't believe what she was seeing with her eyes. Tears start to form in her eyes and she slides down the bathroom wall knowing she's pregnant with her kidnapper/ex-fiancé and who's now dead. Addison covers her face and cries in the bathroom since she can't process that she's pregnant.

Addison: *whispers to herself* This can't be real.

She just sits against the wall crying not knowing what to do or even how to tell Bryce that she's pregnant and he's not the father. Especially not now knowing she hasn't been the best girlfriend to him or the best mother to Amelia. She just stays there in the bathroom while holding the pregnancy test crying and she loses track of time.

(With Bryce)

Bryce took Amelia to get some ice cream before heading home for Amelia's nap. They order their ice cream and go to sit down at a table and eat it.

Amelia: Daddy can I ask you something?
Bryce: Yeah sweetheart what is it?
Amelia: Is mommy going to be okay? I'm worried about her. She hasn't been the same she hasn't hung out with me or with us on family days.
Bryce: She's going to be fine baby. She just needs some time for herself right now. But she will always love you no matter what. You just got to be patient.
Amelia: I just miss her that's all even though I get to see her every day. But I get sad when she gets mad at me when I didn't do anything or when I just ask a question.
Bryce: I know, I miss her too but it's going to take some time.
Amelia: I love you, daddy.
Bryce: I love you too sweetheart.

They finish their ice cream and leave the ice cream shop and head back home. When Bryce reaches the house Amelia had drifted off to sleep so once Bryce parked in the driveway he gets out and takes Amelia inside the house in her room so she can sleep and slowly closes the bedroom door. He makes sure the car is locked and locks the front door. After he heads back upstairs.

Bryce: Addison? Baby?
Addison: *still in the bathroom while crying*
Bryce: *hears crying and heads into their bedroom*

Even though they don't sleep in the same bedroom for two weeks now.

Bryce: Addison?
Addison: *hides the test in her packet and gets up* yeah?
Bryce: Are you okay?
Addison: *wipes her tears* I'm fine. *walks away*
Bryce: You were crying you can tell me. *grabs her wrist*
Addison: I said I'm fine! *raises her voice and pulls his hand away from her*
Bryce: *annoyed* I'm just trying to help and be there for you! But it seems like you don't want that and it doesn't seem like you don't love me anymore! I'm here for you Addison but you're just being a little brat and a bitch!
Addison: Glad to know how you feel about me.

Addison walks downstairs and grabs her purse then walks out of the house. She walks to the park and this is her first time by herself since she was kidnapped but she needed some alone time and some fresh air. Bryce didn't even run after her because he thought what's the point.

Once Addison got to the park and was thinking of ways to leave in the middle of the night because she knows she can't be in California knowing she's pregnant and can't stay here with Bryce and Amelia who already hates her.

Hope you guys liked this chapter. I know said two more chapters left in the last chapter but there's going to be only 2 more chapters! I can't believe this story will end soon but check my other stories out.

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