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Addison's POV:
I just said bye to Bryce after asking me to go on a date with him tonight. I have mixed emotions going on first I was upset and now I feel relieved for hearing the story on why Bryce did what he did. People will probably be happy to see us again since it's been two weeks. But people might not be happy because they don't like us together at all. But it's our lives and nothing else matters. I did to find what to wear tonight for the night but I don't know how to dress so I grab my phone and text Bryce.

Text messages between Addison and Bryce:
Addison: Hey, quick question what should I wear on our date?
Bryce:Something cute but causal.
Addison: Okay just wanted to ask ☺️
Bryce: I can't wait for our date tonight!
Addison: Me too! 🥰
Bryce: I'll let you go I know how your girls take long to get ready lol
Addison: I have to look perfect that's why 🥺
Bryce: You're always perfect however you look.
Addison: Thank you, see you tonight. 😘
Bryce: ❤️
End Of Messages

I put my phone to charge and head to the bathroom to take a shower to shave and gets ready for their date. She takes her shower washes her hair and everything and gets out and puts on a robe. She goes into her closet to find an outfit to wear. I finally find an outfit to wear after taking a long time to look through my clothes. I change into the outfit I picked out for the date and plugs in her hair dryer into the plug and blow dries her hair which takes about 30 minutes to have her hair completely dry.
Unplugs the blow dryer and plugs in her straightener in and does her hair how she wants it. While she's getting ready she's blasting music and singing along. After she finishes with her hair she decides to go live on Instagram while she does her makeup.

Addison: Hey, Y'all! I'm currently getting ready for tonight but feel free to ask me questions!
A fan asked her where she's going.
Addison: I'm getting ready for a date with Bryce *smiles*
A lot of comments are saying she gets so happy when she mentions Bryce.
Addison: I don't really want to talk about why we wasn't posting together for the last two weeks so please don't ask we are going to keep that private in our lives.

Addison stays on live until she's done with her makeup and ended it.

Bryce's POV: I was scrolling through my phone and I saw a lot of people tagging me in something so I clicked on it and I watched a video of Addison on live talking about our date and how she was smiling while talking about it.
Which made me happy to see. After awhile I started to get ready for our date since guys don't take long to get ready. While I was getting ready I was charging up my Tesla since I was going to drive it to pick up Addison and for our date. After getting ready I made sure I had my wallet and everything I needed before I left Sway to pick up Addison.

Addison's Outfit:

Addison's Outfit:

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Bryce's Outfit

Bryce goes to pick up Addison at her apartment and got her flowers

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Bryce goes to pick up Addison at her apartment and got her flowers.
Bryce: *knocks on the door*
Addison: *opens the door* Hi *smiles*
Bryce: Hi, these are for you *hands her the flowers*
Addison: Thank you! *smiles*
Bryce: You're welcome
Addison: Let me just put these in a vase then we can go.
Addison puts them in a vase with water and leaves them in the middle of the kitchen counter.
Bryce: *waits*
Addison: *goes outside and locks the door and Bryce opens the car door for her*
Addison: *gets in and puts on her seatbelt*
Bryce: *gets in the drivers seat and drives to the restaurant*
Addison: *looking out the window*
Bryce: *holds her hand in her lap*
Addison: *holds his hand*
Bryce drives to BOA and when they arrive the paparazzi are there waiting for them.
They get out of the car and the paparazzi are following them while walking into the restaurant*
Bryce and Addison goes inside and gets their table and Bryce pulls out a chair for Addison.
Addison: Thank you. *sits down*
Bryce: *sits down*
Waiter: *comes over to their table* Can I start you guys with some wine, beer or something to drink?
Addison: I'll have red wine please?
Bryce: I'll take the same.
Waiter: *leaves to go get the wine for them*
Bryce: *holds her hand across the table* did I tell you how gorgeous you looked tonight?
Addison: *smiles and blushes* Thank you.
They enjoy their date together and their food after they head to Santa Monica for the rest of their date.

They seem so in love with one another and that's all that matters tonight.

Hope you guys liked this chapter!

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