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It's been three years since Addison had Amelia and they have moved back to LA. Addison and Sean got a house there since Addison was going to go back to modeling and Sean got a job offer there. Addison has been letting Bryce see Amelia on the weekends which made Bryce happy to spend some time with his daughter. Addison still hasn't talked to her parents since she's been back but she has seen her friends and they are all happy with her being back. Of course, some of her friends still wanted her and Bryce to get back together. Bryce and Riley were doing good Riley supported Bryce to be there for his daughter but she doesn't like how he always stalks Addison's Instagram. But she hasn't said anything to him about it.

Addison: Amelia, come on we're going to see your dad. You're spending the night remember.
Amelia: Coming mommy! *runs into the living room*
Addison: Let's go sweetie daddy's waiting for you he's excited for your sleepover with him.
Amelia: *smiles* I'm excited too.

Sean walks downstairs and Addison walks over to him and pecks his lips.

Addison: I'll see you in a bit baby.
Sean: Okay, I love you
Addison: I love you too.

Amelia is spending the night at Bryce's since it's the weekend and it's Addison and Sean's third anniversary tonight so they were going to go out.

Amelia: Bye Sean
Sean: I'll see you tomorrow cutie
Amelia: *smiles and waves at him.

Addison carries Amelia to the car and puts her inside the car buckling Amelia. She closes the door and gets in the car and starts to drive away and onto Bryce's place. Bryce lived about 30 minutes away from her.

Addison: Are u excited to see daddy?
Amelia: Yeah, I miss him.
Addison: I know sweetie but you're going to have so much fun with him.
Amelia: Why don't you love daddy?
Addison: I love daddy like a friend but we're not going to be together like me and Sean. I'm with Sean remember.
Amelia: Yeah, He's nice and he plays with me.
Addison: That's good *smiles*

They keep talking about stuff and after thirty minutes Addison gets to Bryce's house and texts him that they are there. Addison unbuckles Amelia putting her down on the sidewalk and right when she saw Bryce she runs up to him.

Amelia: *runs to Bryce* Daddy! *smiles*
Bryce: Hi princess *smiles and picks her up kissing her cheek*
Amelia: I missed you.
Bryce: I missed you too sweetie.
Addison: Here's her overnight bag and her favorite stuffed animal she likes to sleep with.
Bryce: Thank you.
Addison: Of course. I'll see you tomorrow to pick her up around noon or so.
Bryce: Okay, sounds good tell Sean hello for me.
Addison: I will bye sweetie I'll see you tomorrow. *kisses Amelia's cheek*
Amelia: Bye mommy I love you.
Addison: I love you too.

Bryce walks inside while carrying Amelia and her things and Addison gets in her car and drives back to her and Sean's house while listening to music on the way back.  She gets home locks her car and heads inside. She goes upstairs to get ready for her and Sean's date for their third anniversary. She already had makeup on and her hair was done she just had to change her outfit and put on some heels.

Addison's Outfit:

Addison's Outfit:

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