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It's the next morning and Addison had gotten up early so she got out of the bed and head downstairs to sit on the couch. She wanted to address that her and Sean broke up. She was scared of the response she will get because some people liked them together. But some still shipped her and Bryce together. She went on her phone and wrote down what she was going to say. After she was finished she went to Instagram.

(Addison's Instagram Story)

(Addison's Instagram Story)

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After she posted it on Instagram she went to Twitter to go and post it on there as well for the people that followed her on Twitter. Afterward, she puts her phone down and she heads into the kitchen to start making breakfast since she knew Amelia will be up soon wanting to be feed. She decided to make some pancakes with bacon and eggs. She knew that Bryce can eat so she decided to add eggs to the breakfast. She grabbed all the ingredients she needed to make them breakfast. While she's making the food she's humming to a song that she loves to listen to all the time. By the time she was finished making breakfast, she hears little footsteps running down the stairs.

Amelia: *runs downstairs to the kitchen* good morning mommy!
Addison: Hi. Good morning *kneels and kisses all over Amelia's face*
Amelia: *giggles* Mommy that tickles.
Addison: I just love you so much.
Amelia: I love you too.
Addison: How'd you sleep, baby girl?
Amelia: Good, daddy tucked me in last night and told me a bedtime story.
Addison: Yeah, do you like living with your dad?
Amelia: *nods and smiles* I'm happy we get to live together.
Addison: Me too sweetie.
Amelia: Is daddy still sleeping?
Addison: Yeah but what about if we wake him up?
Amelia: *giggles and nods*
Addison: Come on. *picks her up and goes upstairs into the bedroom*

Addison puts Amelia on top of the bed. Amelia starts to jump on the bed to wake up Bryce and Addison is just standing there watching.

Amelia: *jumping* Daddy!!
Bryce: Baby, it's early *slowly wakes up*
Amelia: Mommy made us breakfast. *jumps on top of him*
Bryce: Okay, can I get a kiss from my baby girl first?
Amelia: *gives him a kiss*
Bryce: Thank you. *gets up and picks up Amelia and puts her on his shoulders*
Addison: Bryce please be careful.
Bryce: I will.

Bryce runs downstairs with Amelia on his shoulders and her giggling while Addison is walking behind them smiling seeing them together. Bryce puts Amelia in her chair at the table while Addison is plating the food on the plates. After she gets down putting the food on each plate she gets the orange juice out of the fridge. When she's closing the fridge she feels arms wrapping around her from behind.

Bryce: Good morning *kisses her shoulder*
Addison: Good morning. *smiles*
Bryce: Did you tell Amelia to wake me up?
Addison: Maybe.
Bryce: *smiles* Do you need any help?
Addison: If you can just take the plates to the table and I got the drinks.
Bryce: Okay *kisses her cheek and he grabs the plates and goes to put them on the table*

Addison takes over cups and the juice to the table and seats down. She pours Amelie's juice into a sippy cup and gives it to her.

Amelia: Thank you, mommy.
Addison: You're welcome sweetheart.

They all seat down at the table and eat their breakfast together as a happy family.

Hope you guys liked this chapter. So sorry it's a bit short than the other chapters but I just wanted to get a chapter up for you guys. I'm thinking this story is going to end soon but go check out my other stories.

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