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(Y/n) awoke the next day in her bed with a different set of clothes but her hair still matted in blood from Vanilla Ice. She briefly remembered being picked up and a flash of light blond hair before she fell back asleep so she assumed that Caesar was the one that carried her back, Joseph must've cleaned up the bathroom or told the others about what happened. She was ashamed to think of one of them changing her clothes but Caesar didn't seem like the type to intrude on girls like that, he probably asked Trish or another female to do it.

She groaned at the pain in her nose and lifted her hand up to touch it, wincing when she felt how swollen it was as she was reminded of the light blue haired boy kicked her in the face yesterday. However, she was also kicked in the stomach and chest at least once but no aches or pains were coming from them.

"I'm not skilled enough to mend broken bones yet, you should be glad that your chest and ribs were only bruised." An accented voice came from across the room and (Y/n)'s head turned to it, finding Caesar sitting on Trish's bed and playing with the end of his patterned headband. That's right, he had that strange electricity that healed Joseph free of his scratches and bruises from his own mini fight with Vanilla Ice. Caesar tossed the fabric he was playing with over his shoulder before standing up, his eyes landing on the center of her face, "Don't worry, it's already been put back into place. You just need to leave it heal for a few weeks."

The girl's eyes widened at his words, a cold sweat running down her spine as she thought about what her mother would say about her breaking her nose at summer camp. Even though she had no intention of returning, she'd definitely never be coming back to Enigma after this and they'd be getting a court case for not telling her about her daughter getting an injury such as that. "Weeks? How am I gonna get my mom to leave me alone when I come back with a broken nose?" (Y/n) panicked while throwing the blanket off her body and placing her feet on the ground to push herself to stand up.

Caesar rose a brow, wondering why she wasn't concerned about her appearance but brushed it off as he crossed his arms, "Hamon could speed up the process but I didn't want to get caught being exhausted after healing such a trivial injury." He informed and she sighed, frowning while trying to ignore the itching feeling to rub her aching face.

She seen the blond smirk before she turned around to head into the bathroom, planning to clean her bloody and tangled hair, but was stopped by hand grabbing her wrist and pulling her towards the owner. She looked up to find Caesar staring down at her, one arm wrapped around her waist and the other raised slighty as he held her hand, "What?" She mumbled to herself while the Italian leaned in closer, (Y/n)'s heart stopped when she noticed how close they were and she pulled her head away.

"Signorina, do you mind telling me about what happened yesterday night?" He asked as a confused expression came to his face, memories of the fight coming back to his mind and how he couldn't see anything that was attacking the boy or whatever it was that held him back from going into the crossfire. "Because Joseph isn't telling me a single thing and I don't like when that fool knows more about things like this than I do."

(Y/n) was flustered by the sudden action and was silent, too busy trying to keep in a blush that she didn't pay attention to what the boy was asking her. Her hand that was in Caesar's tightened slightly before she let it fall out the hold and she stepped away from him, "I—I don't think you needed to do all of that just to ask me a question." She stammered while moving towards the bathroom door, rubbing her arm nervously as she looked at the floor.

"It's a lot but there's these arrows that seem to be giving people spirits called Stands that do things for them, although if you fight someone they also have to have one." (Y/n) explained and Caesar pursed his lips, not knowing if he should laugh or not at how unbelievable it sounded. Hamon is an ancient martial arts but these 'Stands' are created from an arrow, did anyone even care to check how safe it was? (Y/n) noticed and knew that the only way Caesar would believe her was if the arrow decided that he was fit to be a User, something that would hopefully never happen. "I'm sorry you don't believe it. There's no way I could show you what they look like unless you had one."

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