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[Super Freak]

Rain rolled down the window that (Y/n) was looking out, the dark clouds emitting a few thunders after some flashes of lightning. Everyone was forced to gather in the main cabin where the counselors stayed when the rain started pouring outside and most of them were by the fireplace to dry off or loitered around with their friends.

She was curled up on a small loveseat, a blanket wrapped around her shoulders as she watched the rain collide with the lake. Everyone was allowed to go and change, her and Trish being one of the few that had already switched out their swimsuits for more casual wear.

Speaking of the pink haired girl, she was playing Monopoly with Narancia, Fugo and Abbacchio. A bad combination even before adding Narancia into the mix but once they started and Narancia had already begun trying to cheat at the game it made the strawberry boy become furious with his audacity. Abbacchio tried to avoid saying anything, how else were you supposed to play Monopoly and win? He'd be losing thousands of monopoly dollars if he played normally and Narancia was only trying to achieve the same goal as him.

Trish had shrunken back in her wooden seat almost as soon as the angry mumbling began and hid her face behind her property cards. Fugo glared across the table at Narancia while the other boy grinned, handing his fake money over to the banker, who was being played by a silver haired boy that she had seen a few times around Joseph.

"You can't do that Narancia," Fugo growled lowly, attempting to keep his rage in check as he fisted his hole-y red shorts. His money, running low and piled in neat stacks, was almost gone because he was unlucky when rolling the dice and he kept having to pay for his houses and hotels. "I seen that 2 clear as day on the dice." He wasn't letting this pass by him, he already mortgaged most of his properties to get more money.

Narancia narrowed his eyes at the accusing boy before pointing at his piece that was placed on the 'Just Visiting' part of Jail. "What're you talking about, dude? I rolled a six!" He defended himself, moving his finger to where he "used to" be on the board. "One, two, three, four, five, si—!" He didn't get to finish counting because Fugo let out a cry of anger before smashing his fists on the table.

"You cheating dunce! I might as well be bankrupt right about now!" He shouted while Narancia tried to hide his smirk behind his hand. The black haired boy knew that everyone else knew he was cheating, Abbacchio was doing the exact same thing and Polnareff couldn't have cared less because it was amusing to see Fugo in such a huff.

Trish sighed, they clearly weren't going to be able to finish the game. She didn't say anything either, Diavolo was the same whenever he was forced to play with them on family game nights. She must've gotten used to it but Pannacotta hadn't so this is most likely a common thing in their group. Glancing at her things she noticed that, she too was dwindling in her money and blamed it on Abbacchio for building up his houses and hotels almost immediately after he got his color sets.

Fugo turned his glower to the two older boys beside him, Polnareff not bothering to hide his amused grin and Abbacchio leaning back in his chair nonchalantly. "Jean Pierre, Abbacchio, you two are the worst people to play this game with!" He toned his voice down when talking to them, trying not to attract more attention from the newer kids. He didn't want them to think he was a big scary monster that got angry at every little thing, although sometimes it seemed like he was.

"What's going on? I thought you were playing Monopoly," Their eyes turned to Mista when they heard his voice, the crop top wearing boy walking over with a bag of marshmallows in his hand. "Not starting a war with Fugo." He came to a stop next to Polnareff, lowering the bag for the male to take some of the white treats.

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