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[Bad Boys Running Wild]

Jonathan closed his eyes and took in a deep breath, releasing it before repeating the process. Will nodded at how quickly he was getting the way of Hamon then winced when he heard Caesar and Joseph's arguing behind him. He didn't know how the older Joestar just disregarded it so easily but he assumed it was because of how often Caesar would be dragged to his house when they weren't in summer camp.

"You have to control your breathing!" The blond reminded for the umpteenth as he glowered at Joseph, sick of having to tell him the same thing over again. He was never going to be able to use Hamon if he couldn't follow one simple rule.

Joseph growled and clenched his fists, "What does that mean?! I'm trying to do that but your endless yelling is throwing me off!" He was trying to copy what Jonathan was doing since he was so successful but it wasn't going the way he wanted it to. Jonathan did have Will as his teacher and not the younger, more annoying, Italian screaming in his ear but there shouldn't have been a difference, right?

"Maybe you should show him instead of yelling, Caesar." Will suggested with a nervous chuckle, a small smile on his face even though he had a headache starting. Caesar huffed but did so, breathing in before thrusting his hand forward, smirking when the Ripple energy surrounded his appendage without another second. Joseph scowled at how the boy showed off but followed his display, a noise leaving him as he pushed his hand in the same motion as Caesar.

A few small spark erupted from his outstretched hand making Joseph laugh at Caesar's surprised expression. "All it took was for you to be quiet, right, Caesar?" He joked but the blond only narrowed his eyes, shaking his head then pointing behind him. Joseph rose a brow and turned around to see what got him so shocked, his eyes widening at the sight of Jonathan with a sheepish look on his face.

The older boy looked away from the two, "I only sat down for a moment. I didn't think this would happen, I'm sorry!" He didn't want to appear like he was trying to be better than his younger brother but it wasn't like he meant to do all this. He picked up one of the flowers that sprouted from the ground and examined it with a smile on his face, wondering how he was capable of doing something so amazing.

"Jonathan! Teach me how to do that!" Joseph pouted as he dropped to his knees next to the boy, his eyes staring at the white flower in his hand. "It's so cool, have you done this before?" He questioned making Jonathan blush at his words but shake his head in response. He couldn't believe that Jonathan was able to do it so obliviously, then again the ability fit the boy and he was quick to pick up on things.

The Zeppeli's turned their heads to each other and smirked, knowing that if Joseph and Jonathan both learned Hamon, there was no way Dio would be getting an advantage on them if he were to try and kill them.

"We make some good teachers, don't we?" Will commented and Caesar chuckled, crossing his arms as he stared at the brothers who were conversing. Now it was time to teach them how to control their newfound powers.

"Dio's found out about Stand Users?" Diavolo repeated the words he heard, an angered look on his face from how downhill everything was going. If Dio found out about them there was no telling what he'd do next, normal Dio was already unpredictable but it was worse now that there was a chance that he'd found out about the arrows. He'd do anything to see the Joestar family dead, that was proven by him using the mask, and that meant he'd take the chance of using the Stand Arrow.

(Y/n) hesitantly nodded her head to confirm, "Neither Jotaro or his friends had ever seen the guy here before, there wouldn't be a reason for him to after us unless Dio sent him." She explained and Diavolo ran a hand through his pink hair, slumping against the picnic table. This week's been the worst one of his life so far with how much he's had to hide and scheme with two different people.

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