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[Scary Monsters]

"What is this?" Yoshikage asked as he and Diavolo stood with Dio in the middle of the clearing that him and (Y/n) fought in. There was two unconscious bodies in the center of it, where the circle Yoshikage had made with Killer Queen's bombs, and Dio smirked at them. In his hand was a stone mask of some sorts and he held tightly as he strutted over to the sleeping campers.

Diavolo sent his shorter blond friend a panicked look, his behavior around Dio becoming more paranoid ever since he had locked him in that shed. Yoshikage was indifferent at the sight of the bodies but he rose a brow when the older teen placed the mask on one of the boys.

"You two are about to see something that might just be able to help us in taking down those brats." Dio answered from where he was crouched down in between the two bodies. He carefully positioned the mask on the right one then stood up once it was in place. They needed to see what greatness looked like, how he singlehandedly got this and could've found the thing that'll help them kill the Joestar family.

Diavolo shivered when the wind blew through the trees and shook them, pushing his hair off his shoulders. He liked to think that it was the wind that made him shiver but it wasn't, it was because he knew what was going to happen after the mask's powers influenced the boy on the ground.

Grabbing the switchblade from in his pocket, Dio brought his hand to be directly above the mask then sliced through the skin on the palm of his hand. Yoshikage and Diavolo watched in labored anticipation as the red liquid slowly trailed down Dio's clenched hand and dripped a few drops onto the stone mask covering the camper's face.

The two flinched when stiff tendrils shot out and penetrated the skull of the boy, activating something that neither of them could understand. Dio turned his back on the scene and walked back over to his two surprised friends, not having a single worry that the thing might attack him. He sat up from the ground after a moment of stillness and silence, a groan leaving him before he turned his head to the sleeping body beside him.

The boy looked over to the three standing a little ways away and sent a look to Dio, the blond giving him a single nod to confirm that he could do what he wanted. He quickly scrambled over to the other boy and strangely stuck his fingers into his friend's neck.

"What is he doing?" Yoshikage questioned while Diavolo stared at the veins that appeared in the unconscious boy's neck. He knew exactly what he was doing and couldn't have been more disgusted, something like this wasn't meant for their world. This was vile, the boy wasn't even human anymore, he was a monster made by an even sicker one.

Dio chuckled at how naive Kira's question sounded and Diavolo glanced at the shorter blond, "He's drinking his blood." He muttered making Yoshikage's head turn to him and Dio hum at how quickly Diavolo caught on.

"I'm glad you've figured it out, that encounter with the other one must've given you quite the bit of knowledge." Dio remarked as he smirked down at Diavolo, getting ignored by the boy. He knew he had pissed him off but he wasn't afraid of him, Diavolo couldn't do anything against him. Dio had the Stone Mask in his possession and would easily turn him into one of this creatures of the night.

Diavolo rolled his eyes before watching as the boy finished quenching his thirst for blood. He let the stone mask drop into his hand then stood up from the ground, walking over to the trio. He offered the mask back to Dio, the blond sending him an artificial smile in thanks then tucked it back into his jacket.

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