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[Dark Blue Moon]

(Y/n) coughed as she reached the surface of the lake, Kakyoin appearing not that long after her and taking in a deep breath. The two looked at each other before turning to the three boys that were swimming a few meters away, not seeing the creature near them.

"I need to have a surface to use my Stand, I'm useless in the water." She informed while keeping herself afloat and keeping an out out for the underwater Stand. She didn't know where the Stand would be attacking from next, or who for that matter, and it probably wouldn't be long before Genesis' arm was fully covered with those barnacles.

Kakyoin and (Y/n) caught the eye of Jotaro, the Joestar raising a brow at the panicked looking expressions on their faces and quietly left Polnareff and Avdol to their own conversation. Unknowingly, the boy was heading into a trap that would awaken something inside of him.

Genesis stared down at its hand that was garnering more barnacles than it felt was comfortable, feeling its strength slowly being sapped away by the mysterious crustaceans. It didn't know how long it would be before it would take away all of their strength away. It turned its head to its User and found the girl beginning to swim back to land with Kakyoin following, Genesis seeing something out of the corner of its eye and finding the youngest Joestar son looking at it with a glare of confusion.

(Y/n)'s foot touched the sand at the bottom of the lake and she let out a sigh when she pushed herself up to stand and walk through the increasingly shallower water. Her Stand glided back over to her, the same serious look on its face as it hovered beside her. "This is worse than Kira, why did it have to be water?" She mumbled to herself as her foot pressed into the sand and sunk a few inches, forcing a gasp out of her as she fell forward. Her arm was caught by a hand and she was lifted up before she could fall into the barely a foot deep water and she let herself be dragged up from the ground.

"You should watch where you're walking, the sand's pretty soft here." A man's voice came from above her, the girl finding the blond hair of an older looking male wearing a blue shirt and red scarf or bandana around his neck with a captains hat atop his head. (Y/n)'s eyes widened before she attempted to pull her arm out of the man's hold but he wouldn't budge, instead beginning to pull her back to the small beach near where Polnareff and Avdol were standing in their wet underwear. The duo looked at the girl who was being forcefully pulled by the odd man and turned to each other, quickly running over to the two with frowns of worry on their faces.

"Hey, what gives?" Polnareff called as him and Avdol came to a stop in front of the blond stranger, an eyebrow raised as he glared at the older male. He didn't think anyone would find them out here, no one knew that they ever came up here except for Jonathan or Joseph, and no one was stupid enough to come into the forest alone. Everyone who wasn't new to the camp knew that the woods was a place not meant for people who were by themselves.

(Y/n) winced and shrunk back when she seen the blood that streamed down her trapped hand but smirked when she realized that it was her escape route. Polnareff and Avdol argued/talked to the man holding her wrist, who turned out to be a new counselor by the name of Tennille that was looking for them, while she tightly squeezed her hand to release more blood from the sudden wounds. Genesis' barnacle-free hand appeared beside hers and peeled away the fingers around her wrist, the girl using the streaming blood to slip out of his hold.

"Everyone comes out here! Why are we just now hearing about this crap?" Jean Pierre questioned the counselor before noticing (Y/n) nursing her injured hand with grimace on her face from the many cuts on it that were burning from having been touched so roughly. They were clearly from the barnacles on Genesis' hand and she didn't know if she'd be able to be of use in a few minutes from how weak she was feeling.

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