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"Bruno, I didn't mean for this to happen." (Y/n) fretted, her hand covering the wound on Bruno's arm. She couldn't believe she was so stupid to do something as bad as this, she didn't even know the effects of being stabbed by it

Bruno placed his uninjured hand on her shoulder, a smile on his face despite the pain that he was feeling. "Don't worry about it, (Y/n). I'll be fine, if this has happened to you then you'll be a great help." The girl blushed at his words before turning her attention back to the blood that seeped into her sweatshirt. He really did have a way with words.

She didn't have any way to bandage him up, the only thing she did have was her sweatshirt that she'd probably be burning later from the amount of blood that covered it. "Is there a first aid kit around here somewhere?" She quietly asked and the boy nodded his head, pointing over to a small closet that was near Trish's bed.

(Y/n) walked over to it and opened the wooden door, moving a few things around to get to the red and white plastic container. She smiled as she grabbed it and turned back to Bruno to clean and wrap up his wound. He noticed that she hadn't closed the door and went to tell her but was taken aback when a cloaked being appeared and gently closed it.

"That's my Stand, I can't tell you much about them but you now have one because of the arrow." (Y/n) explained briefly while kneeling back down in front of the sitting counselor, ignoring his look of awe as he stared at her Stand. "You can try bringing out yours if you want."

Bruno looked down at her with a raised brow, wondering how he would do that but then a white and blue humanoid appeared on the bed next to him, mimicking his position. (Y/n) paused in wiping the blood off of Bruno's arm as they stared at the newly manifested Stand. "Do they have any special abilities?" He questioned while examining the zipper that went down the middle of the being.

(Y/n) nodded and Bruno hummed to himself, thinking of something that the Stand could do to reveal its powers. As if hearing his thoughts, the being stood up from the bed and drifted over the wall that the back of (Y/n)'s bed was pushed up against. It punched the wall with its fist and for a moment they thought that it would shatter but it didn't, instead they heard the sound of a zipper opening as one appeared on the wall.

"Amazing." Bruno breathed out while (Y/n) watched with wide eyes, looking at the outside world through the open gold zipper. Diavolo's Stand could skip time or something, Bruno's could create zippers, Joseph still didn't know his and neither did she. She looked over at her own Stand, wanting to see if it would tell her but it avoided her gaze and stared at the other Stand.

The girl shook herself out of her daze and went back to cleaning Bruno's wound, frowning to herself. His Stand had closed the zipper and made it disappear before it merged back into the counselor and left them alone again, her Stand following its actions. She began wrapping his injury while Bruno looked down at the blood that covered the floor and his white t-shirt. It appeared that he'd be wearing one of his own shirts for the rest of the day.

"There." (Y/n) affirmed and pulled her hands away from the clean and pristine bandages that were wrapped around Bruno's arm. She thought she did a pretty good job at it, it must've been the practice that she got with Joseph's. "All done. I'd say I did a nice job."

Bruno smiled down at her, "It's perfect, (Y/n). Thank you." He stood up from her bed and handed her bloody sweater back to her. "I think you should hide this, people like to talk here." He warned making her take it from him and stuff it into her bag, making sure that no blood would get on her other clothes. After zipping up her bag and cleaning up the blood, Bruno helped her up off the floor and the two of them got ready to leave the cabin.

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