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He couldn't stop her if she wanted to be with Diavolo, that scene made it clear that they had something. The skulking guy kind of looked like he liked it, whether Jonathan wanted to admit it or not. It's only been a day and Dio had already won her over.

"Jonathan! Did you find them?" Joseph asked as he ran towards his older brother with a worried look on his face. (Y/n)'s ghost thing still appeared out of nowhere like his and if they unlucky then they could accidentally show it to someone with the same problem.

The older brown haired Joestar frowned, his fists clenching from his failure. "Yes. She was with Diavolo, and they looked more than fine." He watched Joseph's eyes widen before narrow at the thought of the two together. He's never seen Diavolo and the girl interact before, why would that suddenly change? And he never Diavolo would be into that type of thing, he used to think the guy didn't even like women before now.

"That doesn't sound like either of them, (Y/n) acts like she hasn't even met a guy before!" Joseph tried to defend his fellow Stand User but Jonathan knew what he seen, he's found people like that too often.

The oldest Joestar offspring looked away from his younger sibling as he walked away, leaving the teen alone to think it over. Joseph hummed to himself before turning his attention to the hill that Jonathan had came down. She couldn't possibly be where they found the arrow, right?

"If you're looking for the girl she's up there." Joseph jumped at the sound of a new voice near him, spinning around to find Diavolo standing a few feet behind him. He had a small smirk on his face at the surprise and confusion on the brown haired teen's face while Joseph wondered how he had gotten there without him or his brother noticing.

Diavolo didn't bother bringing out King Crimson, Joseph wouldn't try to attack him when he didn't know his own abilities and he still didn't know that he was also a Stand User. "I'll be taking my leave." He turned away from the Joestar and continued down the same path as Jonathan.

Joseph waited for his pink hair to disappear before quickly running up to where him and (Y/n) found the arrow. If he were to notice things around him, he'd find that the branches and twigs were whipping against his arms and legs, creating small cuts and scratches. "(Y/n)! Are you up here?!" He came to stop when he found the girl being helped up by her Stand, a frustrated look on her face.

(Y/n) sent the cloaked being a small smile of thanks before looking over to Joseph. She didn't look like she just fooled around with one of the worst people ever, Jonathan must've been seeing things.

"Did he touch you? Please tell me you didn't initiate this thing!" Joseph interrogated as he walked over to her, holding her shoulders while examining her.

The girl held his wrists to pull his hands off, a frown on her face from the thought of being that close to someone. "Jonathan must've told you then." She muttered making the boy nod and she sighed in annoyance. She really hoped Jonathan wasn't the type to gossip and tell his whole family about her.

"Is it true, (Y/n)?" He didn't want her to say it was, if it was then he'd lose not only his new friend but the only person that could help him with his newfound power. She shook her head frantically to get her point across while Joseph grinned in relief.

"No way! That's—No! Never." (Y/n) answered with disgust in her voice, her eyebrows furrowing and her eyes glaring. "We needed to get Jonathan away without telling him about Stands. We didn't even kiss because he can't aim!" Joseph snorted quietly before his expression turned confused at the strange word she used.

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