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[King Crimson]

Tightening the bandage around Joseph's injured hand, (Y/n) made sure that it wouldn't come undone before releasing it letting him put it back in his lap. He was looking guilty after what happened since he was the one that brought them out there in the first place, if he hadn't stolen the alcohol then they'd be perfectly fine. The purple vines had disappeared a little while before the girl began helping him with his wound and he was glad because he didn't know if they were able to hurt people.

"I'm sorry for forcing you to come with me, this wouldn't have happened if I wasn't stupid." Joseph muttered as (Y/n) wrapped the gold arrow in her bloody sweatshirt that was used to wrap up the brown haired boy's hand. She needed to know more about the thing that appeared back in the woods, why did it want to hide the arrow and why was it that the being knew about it?

She reached down into her bag to grab a new pair of pants but pulled back as a pale hand manifested beside hers. "Stop doing that, it's weird." She whispered and it quickly dissolved back into her body. Joseph stood up from her bed with a frown, holding his injured hand close to his body.

"I should get going. The others have probably noticed that I've been missing." He didn't want to keep her up any longer although he doubted that they'd be sleeping any time soon. The things that they've seen were anything but normal, with that dead looking being and the purple vines that wrapped around his forearm. Summer camp was unusually normal for the Joestar's and co. every year except for the occasional shit that Dio and his friends decide to pull on them but this year felt different. Something felt off about 1986, and it wasn't the weird sudden disappearances of the campers.

(Y/n) nodded as she placed the arrow down in the bottom of her bag and diligently made sure that it was hidden beneath many of her things. No one would find it unless they were brave enough to look through many pairs of underwear and bras. "I'll see you tomorrow." She glanced at him, watching as he left through the door instead of the window because of his hand.

"This arrow," The girl jumped at the sound of the beings voice, her palm landing on her chest to calm her fast beating heart. It sat on her bed, although its body hovered above it, with its eyes staring daggers into her bag. "We have a lot to learn about it." She'd be learning something other than how to canoe? (Y/n) stood up from the ground and walked over to be in front of the cloaked person looking thing, her jaw clenched tightly as she tried to appear strong.

"Who are you? What are you?" She questioned while the thing simply floated off the mattress and circled around her. She flinched at the feeling of the dark green cloak brushing against her, a pale hand coming up to rest on her shoulder.

It felt ghostly, its cold fingers touching her shoulder and sending a shiver through her body. Why'd Joseph have to leave her alone with this thing?

"A Stand, that is all I may tell you." That answered so many of her questions, really reassured her. It urged her to lay back down in her bed, its hands grabbing her blanket to help her get tucked in. "You can ask more questions once you wake up. You need sleep."

Sleep. She still hadn't gotten any because of Joseph and fatigue was starting to hit her. Her eyes tried to stay on the cloaked figure but it disappeared as her mind began to fall asleep with her body soon following.

He heard the worry in the counselor's voice as he interrogated his brother about his sudden disappearance so late at night. They were so loud that it was easy to hear their blabbering in the middle of the dark cabin. Joseph kept brushing Jonathan off as the brown haired boy crawled into bed to try and sleep for the rest of the night.

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