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[Iggy & The Lost Boy]

"So, your nose is broken?" Trish asked as her and (Y/n) sat on their beds, the latter listening to her Walkman in one ear and leaving the other uncovered to hear the pink haired girl. Trish was able to steal her away from the argument that Joseph and Caesar were having earlier about what happened, the two females coming back to their cabin to escape the summer heat and other teenagers that might be looking for them.

Joseph wasn't happy to see Caesar when him and (Y/n) finally found the Joestar, Joseph almost immediately scolding him about how he should've been more discreet when he was carrying (Y/n) out of the main cabin. The last she heard from them was how Joseph's brothers and cousins were disappointed in him because he didn't tell them about Stands and what happened to him.

(Y/n) sighed and stared at the ceiling above her, "Yeah. That asshole last night probably would've killed me if Joseph and Caesar didn't help me." She uttered then turned her head to look at Trish who was flipping through the pages of a magazine that rested on her pillow. "Have you heard from Diavolo recently?" Yoshikage told her that Diavolo wanted to speak with her but she had a feeling that it was only to talk about Vanilla Ice and why she had gotten so injured.

Trish closed the magazine that she was reading before sitting up to kneel on her bed, picking it up and dropping the thing back into her bag. Diavolo didn't talk to her much when at camp but she had a feeling that it was because she hung around with Giorno and his friends. "No, only to ask where you are." She answered and (Y/n) nodded, going back to listening to her music.

It was silent again in the cabin with only Trish moving to search through her bag for something else to occupy her time. The pink haired teen shuffled around before her ears picked up a faint sound outside of the window above her bed.

" Iggy!" An exasperated boy's voice called quietly to something or someone on the other side of the wall, footsteps walking by until they made it down to where the door was on the opposite end of the cabin. Trish stood up with a confused and slightly alarmed expression on her face and she attempted to silently follow the person down to where they were by the entrance.

It's been about a week or so since the first day and she had yet to experience anything unusual besides last night and possibly the time that Joseph and Josuke's canoe tipped over. But right now, someone was outside the cabin and they only had their bags to defend them against whoever it was. Trish looked over her shoulder at (Y/n), finding her still distracted by her music but now facing the wall instead of the ceiling. The pink haired girl debated telling her about what was happening but decided against it when she heard scratching at the door and realized that it was too late to run over and tell her without alerting the person on the other side.

"That's the girls cabin, you can't just go in there!" The voice stammered although it almost sounded like the person was smiling at the fact that they'd be going into the girls cabin, a slight giggle in its voice. Trish frowned in annoyance before the door clicked and it slowly creaked open, the girl shielding herself behind the door while quiet pattering made its way into the cabin.

Trish's eyebrows pinched together in confusion when a lone black and white Boston Terrier strutted into the room with a disinterested look on its face. A dog? A dog was here at the camp and currently sniffing through bags to find something that piqued it's curiosity. Did it belong to one of the older counselors? A small dog like that couldn't possibly survive out here in the middle of nowhere unless someone was feeding it, it didn't look malnourished or even dirty so how did it get here?

Then came the loud footsteps of the boy that was trying to stop the dog, a head of black hair moving past the door to chase after the canine. "Iggy! Oh man, Bucciarati's gonna kill me if he finds me here." Narancia muttered to himself while jogging towards the dog named Iggy, going to grab the black and white Boston Terrier but easily getting evaded as it leaped onto one of the beds and hopped around the boy.

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