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Night couldn't have come fast enough, the moon was already high in the dark and starry sky and crickets were chirping loudly around them, although waiting for it wasn't the hardest part. Everyone was sent to their cabins and made sure of that they were going to bed by the older counselors, after that there'd be someone that would stay outside until eleven then they'd head to bed themselves. They needed to either sneak by the night watch or wait it out and hope that they wouldn't miss Dio when he left for his midnight snack or most recent recruit.

Luckily, they had someone like Jotaro, who'd sneak out for the occasional cigarette during the night, and Will, who was one of the older counselors.

"Lisa Lisa, I know this may sound a bit out of the blue but I need Ms. (Y/n) for something." Will insisted as he stood outside the girls cabin, a smile on his face, while the brown haired woman rose a brow. Her eyes drifted to the two boys next to him and shook her head, did he take her for a fool? "She agreed to help me with cleaning up the main cabin since it's my night to put everything back." He was lying through his teeth and Lisa Lisa could tell but she wouldn't tell him that, she'd let him have his fun in thinking that she was falling for such an act.

She crossed her arms and turned her gaze back up to the older Zeppeli, "And Jonathan and Joseph Joestar are also going to be helping in this 'cleaning'?" She questioned making Will nod before patting the two boys' shoulders, Joseph grinning, sweating a little bit from how Lisa Lisa was glaring at them, while Jonathan rubbed his arm and looked away.

"I thought it'd be a good time for them to bond! You seen how well Joseph and her got along, did you not?" Will seen how she glanced back at the cabin behind her then to him, debating whether to let the girl go or not when he was lying to get her out. "The cabin is so big, how is an old man like me supposed to clean it all by myself? And Jonathan and Joseph are so young, there's no way we'd get it done before morning." The two brothers stared at the Zeppeli with almost shocked looks, they didn't know how he got so good at lying, Lisa Lisa was buying it!

The female counselor scoffed and rolled her eyes, waving him off with her hand then turning away from them. "I'm not falling for such a simple lie, Will. If you can't clean a cabin by yourself than what did I see you doing at the docks?" She disregarded them making the older man's eyes widen and the Joestar boys to tense up at how she seen through Will's lie. They thought she was falling for it but she was playing them the entire time.

Will snapped out of his daze and chuckled at the woman, "I wouldn't expect any less of you, Lisa Lisa. You got me this time." He remarked while Jonathan stared at the brunette, silently wondering how she got so good at seeing through lies. He was sure that Will was doing a good job, he wasn't even lying about it being his night to clean up the main cabin!

While the three were busy trying to persuade Lisa Lisa into letting (Y/n) go, the girl was standing on her bed and opening the window that Joseph had come through on her first night here. Mostly everyone was asleep except for a few that were talking amongst themselves, making sure to be quiet because of the woman outside. Lisa Lisa was strict with her punishments, having forced two teenagers to spend the night in the woods because they were being too loud. Those two were Joseph Joestar and Caesar Zeppeli, they were arguing about Joseph waking the blond up during the night when he came back late.

(Y/n) pulled herself up to look below, feeling relief when she seen Jotaro waiting for her to jump with a look of annoyance. "Hurry up, we don't have time to wait around for you." He rushed her making her roll her eyes then push off the window sill and drop to the ground, ignoring his arms and using Genesis to soften the landing. She stood up and dusted the dirt off her pants before looking at the black haired teen, finding him walking away to see if his brothers were done.

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