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(Y/n) stood in the Joestar clearing with Genesis hovering behind her, a nervous expression on her face. Diavolo and Yoshikage were off to the side and waiting for her to use her Stand while Joseph was beside her. The brunette grinned at her, his excitement not being enough to make her feel excited for what was to come.

"C'mon, (Y/n). You get to show them how cool Genesis is." Joseph insisted and she glanced at him from the corner of her eye, his arm sneaking its way around her shoulders and pulling her into his side. "Kira'll be getting flashbacks to when you kicked his ass yesterday, don't you wanna see his face when that happens?" He whispered even though it wasn't very quietly and the other two could hear him.

The girl sighed then nodded in response, "Fine. But I'll need someone to stand over there." She seen Joseph look over her head at one of the two standing off to the side, her eyes following him to find that him and Yoshikage were both staring at Diavolo. The pink haired teen glared at them but neither of them gave up on looking at him. "Diavolo?" He growled under his breath before pushing past Kira and stalking over to where she wanted him to stand.

Genesis slinked out from behind (Y/n) and waited for her directions, its white irises watching her carefully. She motioned with her for the Stand to begin its demonstration of its abilities while Joseph stepped away from the duo. Diavolo narrowed his eyes as the cloaked being walked towards, the very small tremors in the ground making him turn his attention to his feet to see what was causing it. Nothing was there unlike what Yoshikage had told him yesterday and when he looked back up, he found the Stand uncomfortably close to him.

"King Crimson." He demanded before his own manifestation appeared in front of him, the white and crimson Stand glowering at the pale sentient one. (Y/n) clenched her fists our of irritation when Diavolo used King Crimson to throw a punch at Genesis but smirked when her Stand swiftly dodged the attack. Genesis put a considerable amount of space between it and King Crimson, watching as Diavolo chased after him to continue their little fight.

(Y/n)'s expression still had a twinge of nervousness in it from having to against Diavolo of all people but it was slowly being taken over by the excitement that Joseph was expressing. She couldn't believe that Genesis was actually standing a chance against someone like Diavolo with a Stand like King Crimson.

Diavolo was stopped from moving suddenly by a heavy weight that kept his foot stuck to the ground. He frowned and tried to pull his foot away but it didn't budge, forcing him to look down at the thing that was keeping him in place. "Goddamnit." He grumbled to himself when he found that he had stepped on one of Genesis's footprints. The boot indention began to glow, a bright green light starting from the outside of it and making an outline of it before it was covered in a dark green glow.

Genesis's ability dragged Diavolo down but the pink haired teen fought hard against it, using both his and King Crimson's arms to hold himself up so he wouldn't slam against the ground. He seen how Yoshikage looked and he told him how it felt when it happened, he didn't feel like merging with the ground because a girl was trying to demonstrate her Stand powers on him.

"If you'd allow me," Genesis spoke from next to (Y/n), her head turning to her Stand when she heard it. It was staring at Diavolo with an indifferent expression on its face but it looked at its User after a moment. "I would like to try something new with my ability." She was surprised that there was more to her Stand than just dragging people to the ground and quickly nodded to give it permission.

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