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"(Y/n)! This isn't the time to be sleeping!" Kakyoin called as he tilted the unconscious girl's head to face him, his eyes landing on the blood that trailed down the side of her neck and the red splotches on her white tank top. The number of barnacles on her Stand was increasing and she must've passed out from them sapping away her strength. Kakyoin used his other hand to lightly slap her cheek, smiling in relief when her eyes blinked opened and found him.

The cherry haired boy watched as (Y/n) rubbed her eyes tiredly, looking around and finding herself still in the lake. "How long has it been since I passed out? Did you get the Stand User?" She questioned while pushing herself to be upright in the water, shivering when a burst of summer wind brushed her wet shoulders. They had to have been gone for at least an hour now and people should be looking for them if they weren't already.

(Y/n) seen Genesis trying to appear beside her but all that came was an intangible apparition of it. It gave her a frustrated look when it caught on that it couldn't fully manifest while the girl sent it a reassuring smile, letting the Stand know that it wasn't its fault that it was like that.

"We need to get back to Jotaro and the others, that counselor guy's the User of the Stand that attacked you." Kakyoin insisted and she cringed at the thought of that creepy old guy being in the same camp as her. Who hires these people? Some of the counselors looked too old to be even remotely close to working at a summer camp and half of them don't really have any significance.

She sighed then looked at the boy floating in front of her, an ashamed expression on her face, "Listen, I hate to say it but I don't think I can swim back. Those things that the Stand out on mine took away all my strength." (Y/n) informed as she sunk into the lake to hide her face, not used to asking people her age for favors. She went from having no one to everyone in a span of four days and she didn't understand how that could've happened. But it felt nice to finally have friends even though she knew it would be over as quickly as it came when camp ends.

Kakyoin chuckled at her shyness then turned around so his back was facing her, his head turning to look over his shoulder at her. "You should be strong enough to hold on, I can still swim with you on my back." He offered with a smile and (Y/n) blushed at the thought of being so close to a him like that. She's had Diavolo almost kiss her, Yoshikage fawned over her hands like they were an art piece, Josuke carried her when she was injured, Joseph did kiss her and now she was being offered a piggyback ride from a pretty much naked teenage boy.

She pursed her lips before reaching forward and grabbing onto Kakyoin's wet shoulders with hesitant hands, her head turning to avoid looking at him, while Kakyoin flushed red at the feeling of her pressed up against him. He hadn't really thought the whole thing through when he suggested that she got on his back and only wanted to help her get back to shore but now he was beginning to regret it. Hierophant Green made sure that her arms were secured around him before he began to swim towards the shore, the two trying to ignore the feeling of their skin touching.

Avdol, Polnareff, and Jotaro stared in shock at the Stand that hovered in front of Jotaro, trying to understand how the boy had one in the first place when they never seen a single bandage on him to show that he had been pierced by the arrow. They watched as it moved back towards its User but stopped halfway and grab its hand that had punched Tennille away, their eyes landing on the grey barnacles that crawled up from its knuckles.

Jotaro grunted as he started to feel his strength being taken away and he looked around for the aquatic Stand that had launched an attack on him and his friends. He scowled when he found nothing in their vicinity, turning to face the two behind him and meeting their disbelieving expressions.

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