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(Y/n) sat alone at a picnic table that overlooked the water at the top of the small, but steep, hill that had the stairs built into it. The towel that Josuke let her borrow was hanging around her neck, the sun had done a good job at drying her off and her hair was the only thing left that was wet.

Nobody was around to bother her since everyone was down at the beach swimming or lounging on beach towels. The shrieks of kids getting splashed and teenagers laughing barely reached her from where she was and it gave a moment to get rid of the faint headache that she was getting.

She sighed as she dug her head into her arms and closed her eyes. She felt as though she'd been awake for far longer than she's actually been and she could've fallen asleep there if it wasn't for the sporadic yells that came from below.

"Is this seat taken?" (Y/n) peeked one of her eyes open to see who was talking, finding a girl with pink hair standing beside her. She had on a black, pink, and yellow swimsuit on that was dry, signifying that she hadn't gotten in the water.

(Y/n) quickly shook her head after she noticed that the other girl was still waiting. "No, go ahead." She muttered and the pink haired female maneuvered herself to sit on the wooden bench. (Y/n) lost the tiredness from a few seconds ago, instead resting her head on her propped up hand and looking out at the lake. The sun reflected off the water and made it blue rather than the brown that it was actually colored.

"I'm Trish," The girl briefly introduced herself once she got herself comfortably situated. (Y/n) glanced at her, did Narancia know anything about this girl that would make her avoid her? Trish stared down at the group of teenagers below them, "Is it always like this?"

(Y/n) shrugged her shoulders in response, "This is my first time here. From the way my seat buddy spoke about it, then probably." Trish breathed out a small laugh when she seen a short kid trip and fall on his face, his friend laughing at him before his other friend helped him up.

The older girl turned head away from the water to look at Trish, finally able to get a good glimpse of her. She narrowed her eyes in thought when she seen her pink hair and tried to remember where she had seen it before. There was that guy who hung out with Dio but he seem like the type to have a sibling.

"You're trying to figure out if I'm related to Diavolo." (Y/n) didn't bother to tell her that she didn't know who that was but she was smart enough to figure that out on her own. Trish sighed deeply at the reminder of her relative, she really didn't want to talk about the angsty teenager that hated virtually everyone and despised people knowing him.

(Y/n) nodded for the hell of it and the girl hugged her leg to her chest as she glared down at the male on the beach. He sat beside Dio, who was drying his hair off and talking about something that the pink haired boy couldn't have cared less about. The other blond wasn't there and (Y/n) assumes that he was somewhere in the water amongst the many bodies.

"Unfortunately, he's my half brother. I was sent here after my dad thought that I should get out of the house for the summer instead of hanging around the neighborhood kids." Trish explained while (Y/n) chuckled at how the opposite thing happened to her. She was glad that her father wasn't the one who suggested it because she'd be forced to go for the rest of her teenage years.

Trish's head turned away from the lake when the male looked up at her after feeling someone looking at him. (Y/n) made eye contact the pink haired boy but it was quickly broken when her eyes flickered back over to the girl next to her.

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