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He could hear three confused and frantic voices whispering outside the window above his bed, the boys attempting to quietly walk by but their chatting was louder than their footsteps. Josuke peeked his head out from underneath his blanket and lifted it up to look around him, finding no one awake which made him quietly peel his blanket off of him and carefully stand on his bed to look out the window. His purple eyes searched the barely lit space between the two cabins to see where the voices were coming from and sighed dejectedly when he seen that it was only Jotaro's friends.

Josuke flopped back down on his bed and covered himself again, trying to ignore what they were whispering about. Polnareff was always sneaking out, whether that was with Jotaro or Josep, sometimes even Giorno if he felt that their company was entertaining enough. Although it was strange to see Avdol and Kakyoin with him when they were usually the ones that scolded him when they caught him sneaking back in.

"She said for me specifically to follow Jotaro. I don't know why you two are joining me."

"Clearly you didn't read the note she gave you, Polnareff."

"She told you to bring the others, I'm assuming that would be us since we're the only other Stand Users that she can fully trust and who know how to use their Stands."

Josuke began to listen when he heard them talking about Stand Users, what could they be needing them for at eleven at night? Why were they told to follow Jotaro when he only went out to smoke a cigarette and occasionally have a drink with Joseph? He moved over on his bed to press his ear against the wall, listening to them as they continued talking.

"Do you think it's Dio or one of the others?"

"Possibly, Dio's been sending Stand Users after Joseph and (Y/n) so it's not unlikely."

"We should hurry, we don't want someone finding us and following."

Their footsteps quickly became distant until Josuke couldn't hear them anymore, taking that as his time to hurriedly change out of his pajamas and get dressed into a pair of purple pants and a yellow long sleeve sweatshirt. He pulled his sneakers on before climbing back up to the window and opening it as far is it could go. In his mad dash to get dressed, he had happened to wake the one and only Koichi Hirose, who was in the bed across from Okuyasu's which was above Josuke's.

Koichi rubbed his eyes as he sat up in his bed, his eyelids opening to see Josuke trying to climb out his window. He rubbed his eyes again to make sure he wasn't seeing things and they widened when he realized that Josuke was actually trying to get out through his window.

"J-Josuke? What are doing?" He whispered while Josuke froze in his place, body halfway out his window and balance unsteady. Koichi rose a brow before getting out of his own bed to go over to his friend's and staring up at him.

Josuke let himself fall back inside and onto his mattress, sighing then running a hand through his undone hair. "I heard Jotaro's friends talking and it sounded like he was in some trouble." Koichi's eyes widened at the mention of Jotaro being in trouble, wondering what might've happened for him to be in such a predicament. "I'm trying to follow them but I have to get out the window first."

"Do you think he's in the same condition as Okuyasu was?" Koichi asked and Josuke glanced to the black haired Nijimura who was sleeping peacefully in the bed to the right of him. The pain had went away along with the arrow after a few moments, both soothing the group's worry, and Okuyasu soon fell asleep and has been since then.

He knew Jotaro wasn't in the same situation as Okuyasu, whatever happened to him was through Joseph and what happened to him and (Y/n) with the Stand Arrow. He didn't feel the pain that Okuyasu did but Joseph had, just thinking about it made him wince.

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