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[Unsolved Mysteries]

"How could I possibly be expected to handle school on a day like this?"

Ferris Bueller's Day Off played on the small TV that was in the main cabin, a few people gathered around it to watch the movie that came out last month as the sun went down outside. (Y/n) sat on the couch with a small smile on her face, she's been wanting to go see the movie when it came out but hadn't gotten the chance. That and her mom didn't want her to take after the protagonist and start skipping school, sometimes she wondered if her mother even thought about what she says before she said it. Either way, (Y/n) knew that she'd never be able to pull off the shit that Matthew Broderick's character does in the movie.

"I'm not going to question how they managed to get this before it was released on VHS." Mista remarked from beside Giorno, the blond sitting in between him and (Y/n), his eyes focused on the movie with amusement in them. Giorno nodded in agreement then looked to the girl on his left, finding her staring at the TV with an entranced look on her face.

His arm nudged her despite how much he wanted to leave her, (Y/n)'s head turning to look at him, "Have you watched this before?" Giorno asked quietly, trying not to disturb the others who were watching Ferris trick Cameron into skipping school with him. Unlike Mista, he preferred not to be shushed when he was speaking.

(Y/n) shook her head then glanced at the movie, "No. My mom didn't want me to go see it." She answered with a hint of annoyance in her voice, it being clear that she disliked her mother trying to stop her from watching the film. He could understand but not from experience, his mother didn't care what he did nor did his stepfather, they just wanted him out of their hair. That's why he stayed at the Joestar's house whenever he could, Jonathan would easily take up the role of worrying over what he did.

"Joseph dragged everyone along to go see it." Giorno recalled with a chuckle, remembering how chaotic it was just trying to get to the theater. "He said he wanted to take notes for when he wanted to skip school and didn't want to tell Jonathan." Joseph had made sure to find a perfect set of seats for the five of them and the middle Joestar son ignored anyone that was trying to get his attention throughout the entire movie. Jonathan would occasionally ask him if he wanted one of his snacks but gave up after he didn't get an answer for the third time.

The girl laughed at Giorno's brief telling of the story, her eyes looking over at the brown haired teen who sat next to Josuke, the two enraptured by the movie even though they've already seen it. (Y/n) always wondered what it would've been like to have a sibling, either older or younger, but it'd never happen in this lifetime. Her father was too busy with work and her mother was fine with one child, she'd only have another one to have the joy of a baby in her arms and a toddler to dress up however she liked. She still tried to dress (Y/n) how she wanted sometimes but the girl shoved her out before she had time to choose and her father would intervene.

"I used to go see movies with my dad when I was younger, usually horror since we'd go to late screenings." (Y/n) muttered as she hugged her knees to her chest, listening to what was happening in the movie. They'd just started the call with the principal to get Sloane out of school, something that made the teenagers laugh when they managed to pull it off and embarrass Principal Rooney. "I don't think I can watch The Hills Have Eyes without remembering how terrified I was when he brought me to go see it."

Giorno frowned at the mention of the film, his eyebrow raising when he realized how young she would've been. "You would've only been 7 or 8 when it came out." He mentioned and (Y/n) sent him a look, telling him that it happened more than once.

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