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[It's So Easy]

(Y/n) grunted as she reached for the window into her cabin, pushing down on the hands that were holding her up. "A little higher!" She whispered to the black haired boy holding her up, smiling when her order was fulfilled and she was lifted higher. She grabbed onto the ledge and hauled herself up while Josuke turned around to make sure that she was alright and waited for her to open the window before he backed away.

"Goodnight, (Y/n)." He waved as he moved to walk back to his own cabin, the girl nodding and sending him a small wave back. She watched him disappear around the corner before she ducked her head under the window and slipped back inside the cabin, quietly lowering herself down on her bed and wincing when a prolonged creak came from the springs. They really needed to get some better mattresses because she was sure that someone could wake the entire camp when they'd roll over.

After sneaking back inside, she carefully got off her bed and began to change out of her clothes and into a pair of pajamas. Kicking off her shoes first and pushing them under her bed where her bags were, she started to remove her jeans to slip on her bottoms then her shirt.

As she lifted her quilted blanket to get in bed, the bathroom door opened and light filled the cabin, a small gasp coming from the person who was inside. "(Y/n)?" The voice called quietly while their feet padded against the wooden floors, gradually getting closer until they were next to (Y/n)'s sleeping place. "Where've you been? You just disappeared suddenly."

(Y/n) stared up at Trish with a look of surprise and her blanket dropped out of her hand at the sudden appearance of the pink haired girl. "Trish, what're you doing up?" She asked as quietly as she could, her eyes scanning the room to make sure that no one woke up from them talking. Trish frowned before she crossed her arms and gave her an unimpressed glare at the way she deflected her question.

"Don't answer a question with a question. Why weren't you in bed when I got up?" Trish continued while (Y/n)'s gaze lowered to look at her bare feet that were slowly getting colder the longer they stayed pressed on the floorboards. "I thought that Diavolo or one of his psycho friends may have done something to you." (Y/n) could see the concern written on Trish's face and felt guilt rise in her chest, she didn't know how worried Trish was for her.

(Y/n) cleared her throat and finally looked the girl in the eye, a small smile on her face, "No, Diavolo didn't do anything. It was just something that the Joestars wanted help with." She reassured while Trish had a doubtful expression on her face that told (Y/n) that she didn't believe a word of what she was saying.

Trish was glad that Diavolo wasn't involved in whatever happened with (Y/n) and Giorno's family but wanted to know what went on at midnight that was so important. She thought that they had become close friends after everything, she told her about Diavolo and even helped her with getting away from the two guys arguing but she didn't want to tell her why she just up and left after dark.

"Fine, don't tell me." Trish huffed as she turned away from (Y/n) and stomped back to her bed, throwing her blankets around herself and laying down. "But don't expect me to suddenly save you anymore." (Y/n) watched her with a frown and rubbed her arm nervously as she tried not to spill everything to the Una girl, tentatively moving to get under her own covers. If only she knew that the one doing the saving wasn't her, but (Y/n) and the others when they killed Dio and stopped his murders and spree of creating Stone Mask creatures.

(Y/n) pulled back her blanket and sighed, pressing her knee on the edge to get in but a deep chuckle made her gasp and stumble back with an alarmed look around the room. Pink and black spotted hair could be seen in the moonlight that shined in from the windows and (Y/n) glared at him as he walked over to her, his green eyes on Trish.

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