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Her body was shook lightly to wake her up, the movement slowly working in forcing her eyes open. (Y/n)'s vision was filled with the unfocused sight of brunette hair and sun-kissed skin that was soon made out to be a boy that wore the same shirt as Bruno. She jumped at the sudden appearance of him and sat up, accidentally hitting her head against his.

"I'm sorry! I probably shouldn't have been so close!" The boy apologized quickly after backing away and rubbing his aching forehead. (Y/n) grabbed her head, hissing at the pain that erupted from it before turning her attention to the mysterious male.

The brunette stood up straight and smiled at her, "I'm Jonathan Joestar, most people call me JoJo but either is fine!" He introduced himself with a hand outstretched for her to take. "I'm a camp counselor here. I hope I didn't scare you too bad." She didn't expect there to be so many kindhearted counselors, if anything she was waiting for him to snap at her and tell her to hurry up and get out.

She shook his hand after a few seconds, her eyes scanning the room to find everybody gone. "Where did everyone go?" She asked him making Jonathan scratch the nape of his neck with a red tint on his cheeks.

"I came to wake you up after we didn't see you at the meeting place." He informed and (Y/n) shifted on the bed to put her feet on floor so she could stand up. "We're planning on going swimming in a few minutes." She nodded before grabbing her bag and setting it on her bed to go through her things. She was quick to push her Walkman out of view, Jonathan was a counselor and who knows, he could be putting up a front.

(Y/n) looked over her shoulder to find the brunette still standing there, playing with his fingers. Her gaze moved between the door and the male and hoped that he wasn't dumb enough to not catch it.

Jonathan, thankfully, after a couple seconds caught her motion and rushed out the door with an embarrassed blush on his face. She shook her head at the boy but proceeded to change out of her jeans and put on a pair of shorts, pulling a t-shirt on over her bra. Her mother forgot to remind her to bring a bathing suit so she was stuck with wearing some of the clothes that she brought with her.

(Y/n) stuffed her old clothes back into her bag then pushed it under her bed so it wasn't in the way. She slipped her shoes on and stepped out of the cabin, her eyes looking around for Jonathan. She found him standing at the top of the stairs that led down to the lake with his hand waving for her to follow him.

She begrudgingly complied, carefully stepping down the small steps that she'd probably end up falling down sometime during her stay. Jonathan had left after she made it down to go talk to someone that might've been causing trouble and it left her alone. In the middle of a teenager and kid filled beach.

"Thanks for leaving me, man." (Y/n) mumbled to herself as she walked over to the water that, although it didn't look it, was probably cold. Well, as cold as it could get when it was the middle of summer. She slipped her shoes off and dipped her toes into the water, smiling when it wasn't as cold as she thought. But the water that hit her was.

She felt the liquid drip down her skin and it forced a shiver to crawl down her spine. Her head turned with her body to see who had done it and her eyes connected with a set of blue ones, an apologetic look immediately coming to the boy's face.

"Sorry!" Was all he had to say and it made (Y/n) close her eyes and remind herself that some people here weren't as mature as others. She opened her eyes and she found that Jonathan had now appeared beside the brunette that splashed water on her by accident.

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