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Yoshikage laid on the tiled floor of the bathroom, his eyes wide as he stared up at Diavolo. The pink haired boy looked down at him with blank expression on his face while his hands pressed the golden Stand arrow through his friend's dress shirt and into his chest. The blond choked on a gasp at the pain that blossomed from his chest and tried to reach for it but got his hands shoved away by Diavolo.

"You're going to help me, Yoshikage. You've got quite a bit to learn." He uttered, watching as the arrow disappeared into his friend's skin and leaving a few bubbles of blood behind. "But first we must see if you're worthy of a Stand."

Diavolo stood up from where he sat on Yoshikage and stepped away, waiting for any sign of a Stand coming from him. His approach wasn't exactly the best and there was a chance that Yoshikage would betray him but Diavolo wouldn't give him the chance to.

Yoshikage coughed as he pushed himself to roll over onto his side, his head turning to glare at Diavolo. Was he trying to kill him? He did force him to clean up his messes but that was about the only thing he got him to do. "Diavolo." He breathed out heavily while his eyes tried to stay focused on the pink haired teenager, blinking a few times when he couldn't see him. "What the hell is your damn problem?" He couldn't find where he was, the only thing he could see was a red and white being glaring down at him. It had green eyes similar to Diavolo's but that was about it.

"King Crimson is my Stand's name and I suggest that you don't try attacking it." Yoshikage was surprised when Diavolo's voice came out of the Stand, but when he finally stood up he found that the other teenager was standing behind it. Brushing aside the strange figure, the blond felt around his chest for the arrow that he was stabbed with and flinched when his fingers came in contact with the wound but no weapon. It must've already came out since he didn't feel it.

Yoshikage still didn't understand why Diavolo was attacking him, with an arrow like his father's, but tried not to question it. Maybe this was his way of getting his anger out so he didn't end up killing anyone.

"Bring out your Stand, Yoshikage. Then we can continue on like none of this ever happened." Diavolo insisted while the other rose a brow in confusion. Stand? What was this psycho talking about?

The pink haired teen scoffed before activating King Crimson, his bangs now displaying the future using Epitaph. He found his body in the middle of the bathroom, bleeding across the tiles and painting them red. The wounds on his body weren't from any weapon that either of them could get from around the bathroom and it made Diavolo wonder if that was Yoshikage's Stand. It was disappointing that he wasn't able to see what made him like that but he supposed there had to be a downside to Epitaph's strong ability.

Yoshikage glared again before seeing something out of the corner of his eye, turning his head to see what it was. His eyes widened at the sight of a light pink humanoid standing next to him, similar to Diavolo's Stand, while the being simply glanced at him. What was this thing?

After Epitaph finished showing the effects of the attack on him, Diavolo looked back to the blond who stood across from him. It wasn't hard to miss the cat-like figure standing next to Yoshikage and he smirked to himself. "Your Stand looks interesting, Yoshikage. What does it do?"

Yoshikage looked to his Stand for an answer while Killer Queen reached for a bar of soap that was placed in a small holder between two sinks. The Stand stared down at the yellow soap with an indifferent expression then turned its head to its User, silently waiting for an order. Yoshikage thought it over, if he showed Diavolo what he could do then what would happen if he decided to turn on him? He didn't even know what this King Crimson could do so what would happen if he revealed his abilities?

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