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[At Last]

"The World!" Dio called just in time, his eyes staring at the Hamon fist that was in front of his face. His heart was racing as he realized how close he was to being killed by Jonathan and once he snapped out of it he looked down at the things that kept him bound in place. Hermit Purple was easy to break out of but Star Platinum had a strong hold, although it was released once he used The World to pry his arms away.

Dio quickly got as far away from the trio as possible, pushing Polnareff to the ground in case he decided to attack again and headed for the three unsuspecting teens who were waiting for the Joestar brothers to kill him. He slowed to a stop next to (Y/n) after he walked around Kakyoin and Josuke, an annoyed scowl on his face as he crouched down next to the two.

They seemed to have been conversing when he stopped time, Josuke's mouth opened and his eyes bright with something that had to do with what they were talking about. "Sorry for interrupting your little chitchat but there's something I need to do." Dio raised his hands up and placed them around both of their necks, his fingers sinking into their skin with the use of his vampiric abilities and he felt the artery that would end it all.

He chuckled darkly to himself as he looked to the place where the Joestar brothers were standing, examining their unsuspecting faces. With the way Jonathan was positioned, he'd be punching Star Platinum, and Joseph would be tumbling to the ground from pulling on something that wasn't there. Dio's gaze eventually landed on the youngest of the three, his mood souring when he was reminded of how easily he was beating him down until Polnareff decided to fall from the sky.

"Your friends won't be spoiling any more of the fun, Jotaro. Not when (Y/n)'s Stand won't be able to use its powers." Dio remarked before his eyes widened at the sight of something impossible, blinking a few times in shock. Jotaro, he swore that he seen his finger move while his time was stopped but that couldn't be possible, only Dio could move when The World's ability was active.

He narrowed his eyes and ripped his fingers out of Josuke and (Y/n)'s necks to stand back up and walk over to Jotaro, blood splattering from the harsh removal and the droplets freezing midair. Dio approached with caution, not sure if what he seen was real or not, but if it was then he could be in danger if he went any closer than needed.

The World was beside him in case he needed it, the yellow being glaring at Jotaro similar to how its User was. The blond scanned the black haired teen for any signs of movement, a smirk coming to his face when he seen that there was nothing. He must've been overthinking everything, he's relieved that there'll three less Joestars to worry about and soon they'd all be in the ground, just like he wanted.

"I must be imagining things, there's no way that his finger mov—!" Dio cut himself off when he noticed it again as his time stop came to an end and time resumed like usual, everyone going back into movement and the chaos beginning.

Jonathan gasped once he noticed that Dio had suddenly disappeared and his fist was heading towards he ground, not seeing Star Platinum but before he could hit it, the Stand swiftly moved out of the way and Jonathan stopped himself from hitting the dirt. Joseph's eyes widened when he felt the weight pulling against him disappear and his body stumble backwards, attempting to keep his balance as he called back Hermit Purple.

Jotaro looked at Dio with a blank face, brushing off his brothers and taking a few steps forward. He didn't know what just happened, it was strange and he couldn't explain what went. "Jotaro, you're really getting on my nerves." Dio hissed as he glowered at the younger male, watching as Jotaro continued walking. "Oh? You're approaching me?"

"Yeah," Jotaro answered while Star Platinum glided over to him from where he was on the ground by Jonathan. It hovered in front of him, protecting him from the hits that The World and Dio were bound to throw at him. "I need to get closer to beat the shit out of you." He seen Dio narrow his eyes in annoyance before they reached a point where they didn't want the other to get any closer, their Stands moving instead of them.

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