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[Hermit Purple]

After canoeing ended up with half of the group in the water, everyone was given two hours to do whatever they wanted. Joseph and (Y/n) split off from their friends after the former mentioned that now could be a good time to test out her Stand's abilities. They discreetly headed into the woods with none of their peers giving them a second glance except Bruno, who narrowed his eyes at the two.

"This'll be great! We can be like the real Batman and Superman, doesn't that sound cool?" Joseph rambled enthusiastically as they walked through trees and bushes to get to the Joestar meeting area. He had a grin on his face, excited to find out what Genesis' ability was and what he could do.

(Y/n) chuckled at how he was practically vibrating at the thought of testing out Hermit Purple and Genesis. She was glad that he was happy about it and past being scared and confused, Joseph didn't seem like a guy that felt like that often.

"Yeah, except normal people can't see our superpowers." She reminded and Joseph visibly deflated at the mention of it. It didn't effect him for long as he perked up at the sight of his family's meeting spot and ran to the center of it.

The girl watched him sit down on the log that they were at when they first came here, her eyes looking around to quickly check and make sure that no Diavolo or other unwanted visitors were around. The last thing she wanted was Diavolo figuring out what their Stand abilities were. Once she finished, she continued over to where the brown haired teen was sitting.

Joseph sighed to himself, resting his head on his palm as he stared out at the innumerable amount of trees that surrounded them and wondered to himself. Were there more Stand arrows out in the world and have they made Stand Users like him and (Y/n)? Maybe once summer camp was over they could do more research on it, the library here wasn't known for keeping anything other than books that teach you how to survive in the wilderness.

Thinking about the arrow made Joseph wonder if there were any other artifacts that could create something like Stand Users. He'd have to ask Jonathan about his archeology classes, he'd know something about that.

"Joseph?" He heard (Y/n) call him from a few feet away and turned his head to look at her, his eyebrow raised. She was staring at the dirt by his feet with a shocked face, the boy following her gaze until it reached the intricate drawing of some sorts. "What is that?"

The delicate creation appeared to show their current location, the two of them figuring it out by the way it depicted the cabins placed just outside of the trees, with a path leading to an X that was placed a decent distance away from them. Joseph didn't know what it lead to, it was nothing but trees around them and the only thing you'd find would be a few of their fallen brethren.

"Do you think Diavolo came back? Maybe he hid something here in the forest." Joseph questioned as he stood up, being careful not to step on and smudge the drawing on the ground. "Like the arrow, no thanks to you." He sent her a look when he said that and got a fake smile along with a middle finger back.

(Y/n) shook her head, "He probably has enough common sense to not leave anything behind. And besides, it wasn't there when we got here." She muttered before turning her stare to the purple vines that were wrapped around the teen's arm.

Was this Hermit Purple's doing? It was the only reasonable answer, Joseph was sitting there the entire time and he said it himself that he still hadn't figured out what the Stand could do. "Joseph, have you ever lost something here?" She asked making him glance at her, his head tilting as he thought it over.

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