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[Shine On]

Dio walked towards the boy in green with a sadistic smirk on his face, The World hovering beside him as he neared Kakyoin. The silence in stopped time made it clear that nothing would stop him now, no one would be able to stop him from killing one of the Joestar groupies. They were all frozen in time, the first thing they'd see when time resumes will be Kakyoin breathing his final breaths.

"This is the end for you, Kakyoin. But don't worry, Jotaro and your other friends will be joining you very soon." Dio chuckled before he came to a stop in front of Kakyoin, his eyes looking over the boy to find the best place to hit him. The blond narrowed his eyes then stepped away to ready himself, taking a deep breath before The World winded back its fist. Dio looked at his Stand with a satisfied and prideful gaze as it quickly glided forward and its yellow arm swiped through the air.

Blood splattered but didn't stray any further from Kakyoin's abdomen, droplets frozen in time and only moving when The World ripped its arm from its place in the hole created in the younger boy's body. Dio felt a shiver run down his spine upon seeing how unsuspecting Kakyoin was of what was to come in a few seconds. He was already dead but he didn't know it, surely it would shock Jotaro when he sees his friend suddenly with a bloody and gaping hole through him.

"Send my regards to the others that were the unlucky candidates for my power. They were only stepping stones for my goal." Dio smirked before The World's time stopping ability ended and time began once again, everyone moving including Kakyoin as he was sent flying backwards from the force of The World's punch.

The clearing was silent, everyone's eyes focused on the limp body of Kakyoin that crashed through a tree and arched over the stump that was left over. (Y/n) covered her mouth in shock and felt a wave of dread wash over her, her mouth agape and eyes wide from what she was seeing. Someone was dead, someone that they all knew who was innocent was killed. Suddenly, the situation got more real and they realized who exactly they were dealing with.

"Kakyoin!" Polnareff cried but his yell was overshadowed by a loud 'Ora!' that came from Jotaro's direction, Star Platinum's cry forcefully pulling his attention away from his friend. The Stand threw a punch at Dio's but the yellow being easily blocked with its forearm, Dio slightly tilting his head mockingly before The World made a move to throw one back.

(Y/n) heard the fight but chose to ignore it as she stared at Kakyoin, her gaze not leaving the blood the trickled down the tree stump. Who was next? Who would be the next runner up for Dio to kill? She could see Will running over to the cherry haired boy and gently lifting his head to see if he was still alive, Jonathan dropping down next to him. Will's hand was hovering over the gaping hole as if he was trying to figure out where to begin with attempting to fix what Dio caused.

"Oh god," She mumbled while stepping back, her hand feeling for a tree behind her as she pressed her back to it. Her heart was practically beating out of her chest with how fast it was pumping and her hands shook with fear. "What is happening? What have I done?" She was the one that told Polnareff to bring them, Kakyoin could've been sleeping peacefully right now, alive and well. She dragged them into something that was just supposed to be between her, Diavolo and Yoshikage and now they're at risk of being killed just like their friend.

Avdol quickly composed himself and turned away from his friend, as much as he wanted to run over there they had something else to do. Mr. Zeppeli and Jonathan seemed to have it handled, it also helped that the former was older and better equipped to deal with this. He trusted him enough to help Kakyoin with whatever he needed.

He looked to (Y/n), who was trembling while watching Will and Jonathan help Kakyoin, and walked over to her. "(Y/n)," He called softly as he put his hands on her shoulders to grab her attention. She swallowed thickly and her gaze moved to him, her face telling him that she was in too much shock to even cry. "We have to deal with Dio and make sure that no one else gets hurt. We need you to use Genesis and help us, then we can get Kakyoin the proper medical attention." Avdol smiled reassuringly, waiting for her as she nodded slowly and moved to walk around him.

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