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[Killer Queen]

(Y/n) had stopped walking and stood still, her eyes staring straight ahead of her to not attract attention but it had already been drawn. "How near, Genesis?" She mumbled as Giorno and Narancia looked back at her, wondering why she had stopped moving.

"It's around 15 meters away and the energy surrounding it is unsettling." It informed while staring in the direction of the prediction. (Y/n) could see everyone going around her and leaving her behind, the two walking with her eventually shrugging and continuing on. When they had finally passed her, which made her find that the counselors here really didn't pay attention, she let Genesis lead her into the trees.

The Stand gracefully weaved around the plants while the girl barely managed to make it a few feet without almost tripping on a root or rock. She called for Genesis to slow down but the sentient manifestation continued ahead, at the furthest of her range.

(Y/n) narrowed her eyes before speeding up, reaching for her Stand's shoulder as it maneuvered out of her way just as they made it to a clearing. She gasped when Genesis avoided her hand and her body fell to the ground, a grunt leaving her when she collided with the dirt. The breath was knocked out of her quickly and the force of everything in bag hitting her didn't help in getting it back.

"Genesis, you asshole!" She cursed, pushing herself up to sit on her scraped knees. The front of her shorts were covered in dirt and her tank top wasn't any better, the thin shirt becoming a little untucked from the fall. (Y/n) glared at the Stand standing in front of her but it diminished when she seen what had caught his attention.

It was nothing, there was only flat ground save for a few bumps here and there. She scoffed in disbelief and shook her head, "Are you sure this is where it was? This is just a normal clearing." She questioned as Genesis' feet touched the ground and it walked forward towards a patch of disturbed ground. She felt her heart race while she slowly stood up to go and see what Genesis was looking at.

Her Stand sensed (Y/n) behind itself and moved so she could stand beside it, watching as she stared down at the dirt. "It's under there." It murmured and she sighed deeply, wondering how she was supposed to dig whatever it was up. Dropping to her knees, the girl shrugged off her backpack and began scraping the dirt up and into a pile beside the hole.

(Y/n)'s hands were covered in the dirt that she was pulling out of the growing hole and she cringed at the feeling of it under her nails. She was going to enjoy washing it off of her hands but she didn't know when that'd happen, hopefully there was a stream nearby or something.

"Wait! Watch out!" Genesis called out when she reached a certain point, her hands pulling away immediately as the Stand knelt down beside her. It brushed off some of the dirt that was on the thing then tugged, bringing up a tied white cloth with something wrapped inside. (Y/n) looked between her Stand and the thing in its hand and carefully took it from its hands, turning her back to the hole and placing the cloth on the ground.

She had no idea what could be inside, no one lived around here except for the people at the camp. This was either something one of the teenagers hid up here or a counselor did. Her fingers gently untied the knot in the top of it and she let the corners flop to the dirt, revealing the contents.

(Y/n) couldn't believe it, there's more? Where were they coming from? "More Stand arrows." Genesis noted as she lifted one of the up to look at it, the sunlight glinting off of it when she tilted it. It would've been pretty cool if it didn't have a possibility of killing you.

"We can't let Diavolo and the others find these." She uttered then wrapped them up again, grabbing her bag and unzipping it to put them in it. (Y/n) zipped it back up before standing up and putting it back around her shoulders. Genesis pushed all of the dug up dirt back into the hole, diligently making it so it looked like they hadn't dug up the arrows hidden beneath it.

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