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[Land of Confusion]

(Y/n) stared up at the dark wooden ceiling, barely able to see it through the darkness of the night. The rain had let up to be a light drizzle and she could hear it falling on the roof only to drip off the edge. She wasn't able to sleep, her arms folded over the top of her blanket as she laid on her back. Her mind kept drifting back to what had happened throughout her first day at camp.

She had two weird interactions with some of the strangest people she had ever met and became friends with boys that she probably would've never approached if she hadn't caught Narancia. She also befriended a girl that was the relative of one of the three people that she was warned to stay away from.

The girl shook her head. It didn't matter, she just needed them until she was done at camp, then they'd never talk to her again and she'd never see them. She cleared her mind before rolling over to face the wall that her bed was pressed against. Her eyes were drawn to the small crack from earlier, and they squinted when she could faintly make out something blue on the other side.

(Y/n) dragged herself closer to see through it better but stopped when a muffled giggle reached her ears. The female stiffened, looking over her shoulder to see if one of the other girls were awake but found nothing out of the ordinary. Trish pulled the blanket closer around her body when a burst of cold air passed through the cabin but she didn't wake up.

"(Y/n)~!" She felt her breath catch in her throat when her name was creepily uttered and she quickly ducked under her quilted blanket to hide from whoever or whatever was calling out for her. Was it the thing that terrorized the camp coming for a new victim? Did it want a fresh and innocent camper to drag into the forest and keep for itself?

She covered her mouth to avoid waking up the other girls in the cabin as the window above her quietly creaked open. The bottom of her bed dipped from a weight being put on it, one side lowering before the other did and two feet were placed on either side of her legs. (Y/n) could faintly see the shadowed figure through the blanket and closed her eyes as it leaned down to grab the top of the fabric.

The girl let out a small scream that was quieted by both hers and the brown haired boy's hand that covered hers. (Y/n) glared up at none other than Joseph Joestar, the boy that splashed her with water down at the lake and never bothered to apologize for it.

"Sh! You girls are more dramatic than I thought." He whispered just loud enough for her to hear and (Y/n) kicked her leg up to knee him in the ass, forcing him forward and knocking his head into the wall. It made him release her hand to hold himself up on the wall and she was glad that no one was awake to see the position they were in.

Joseph let her sit up and sat in front of her, the girl crossing her legs so he wouldn't be on the edge of the bed. "What are you doing here?" She asked, nervously looking around in case someone were to wake up and find a boy in the cabin. She doubted they'd care much, this was a place full of hormonal teenagers.

The boy smirked at her, "I snagged a few cans of beer from the counselors fridge." He informed smugly while (Y/n) stared at him with a frown, he was ludicrous if he thought she'd drink with him. Especially when they've only just met. She didn't doubt that he was nice, he had Jonathan as a brother and he was the nicest person here next to Bruno.

"Are hoping that I'll go and drink them with you?" (Y/n) muttered and Joseph leaned forward, resting his hand on her shoulder. She narrowed her eyes at him, this family had something with shoulders because it seemed like they all wanted to touch hers.

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