Chapter 10

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// Jaden's POV //

"What the hell guys?!" I practically yelled. "You know I don't trust Chase.  Why are you allowing her up to his room?"  I asked clearly frustrated.  I just didn't understand why she would go talk to him.  He's a jerk most of the time, it doesn't make sense. 

"Now now Jaden.  Are you really mad about her talking to Chase?  Quinton paused. 

"Or are you just mad because one, she didn't sit next to you, two, Practically ran away from you earlier, three, Was getting closer to Taylor or four, All of the above?"  Asked Griffin finishing Quinton's thought.

I just stayed silent. I didn't know how to answer that. Why am I mad? I barley know anything about her. I can't have feelings for her. I know I can't. Maybe it's just a connection. Yeah we'll go with that.

I look up and everyone is staring at me. Sadly, Josh is smirking at me. "Yeah that's what I thought. You guys think I'm crazy, but I know Jaden. He likes her."

I sigh. Before I can say anything, Taylor, Faith, and Chase walk back into the room.... Faith is holding Taylor's hand. I don't like it.  I don't know why, but I don't. Anthony notices too so he looks over at me with sad eyes. I just roll mine at him. I look back at the three of them. "So y'all are friends I see." I try to say without annoyance in my voice, but fail miserably.

Faith just looks at me and then down at her and Taylor's intertwined hands. She looks back up at me and seems confused. I kind of feel relived that she doesn't really like holding hands with him. Or is at least confused about it.

Before anyone can say or do anything else, there's a knock on the door. I notice Faith start bouncing her leg. She seems to be stressed out. Oh boy. Hopefully, once she meets all of them she'll be fine.

// Faith's POV //

Taylor brings me towards a room at the end of the hall. He looks at me then knocks on the door. After a few minutes, Chase opens the door. He seems surprised that it's me.

He looks between Taylor and I. "Uh what's up?" He asks with a confused tone.

"I just-t w-wanted to t-talk to you. I f-feel bad b-because you l-left the r-room. I-I didn't mean to c-cause a p-problem." I stutter out.

He smiles and motions for us to enter his room. It's very dark but it has stars hologramed on the ceiling. It looks like my room. Very mysterious. "I umm r-really like your room. It looks kind of like mine except for the star thing."

He smiles but seems somewhat confused. "Thank you but really? Your room is dark and somewhat emo?" He asks me.

I laugh a little, "Yeah. W-When you have social anxiety, you d-don't really talk to people. So I-I guess you could say, I'm kind of emo. It's not that n-noticeable, but my room shows it. Most of my clothes are black anyway." I look at the two boys, they seem shocked.

"Well then. Now we know something Jaden doesn't." Taylor says with a laugh. Chase laughs with him, but I just look at them confused. What does that even mean? Jaden doesn't know everything. Not even a tenth of stuff about me.

Once they're done laughing, Chase says "How about we head back down there. The others will be here soon anyway." Everyone agrees. So we leave the room and head back downstairs.

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