Chapter 8

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// Jaden's POV //

I watch as Thomas leads Faith upstairs to her room.  Once they disappear from my view, I turn around and see everyone staring at me. 

"Come on guys, stop staring at me" I say clearly annoyed.

"Are you sure nothing's going on? You look at her like she's the only girl or even person in the world." Says Addison.

"Oh my god I just met this girl. Sure she's pretty but I don't like her." I explain for the millionth time. "Now can I talk to all the girls for a second. I just need to explain something." I ask. All the girl nod and follow me to the kitchen.

They all take seats around the giant island while I stand on the other side in front of them.

"So what's this about?" Asks Avani.

"Okay well Faith has social anxiety. Today was a good day, but I think once she realizes how many people are really around her, she might freak out. So I just wanted to let you know what her ticks are so that you can help her, if needed." I explain.

"Okay, what are ticks?" Asks Charli.

"They are like little things someone does while they're anxious. Faith bounces her leg up and down when sitting and then while standing, she taps her thigh. Those are only the things I have noticed her doing, so pay attention to her movements whenever in big crowds." I tell them. They all nod.

After answering some more questions, everyone starts to clear out of the kitchen, except Dixie.

She looks at me and says, "You care about her Jaden. You may not like her yet, but you will. I promise you that we will check on her and watch for her ticks. I will let you know if anything happens, okay?"

I smile at her, nod, and say "Thank you Dixie. She opened up to me yesterday while the boys were out and I just don't want anyone or thing to hurt her."

She smiles at me, "You really do care for her Jaden." She pauses for a a second, "You know she said something to me while we were hugging. She told me that I need to ask out Noah if he's too scared to. What was that about?"

I lean forward on the island and laugh, "Yeah she kind of told us and him that he likes you. She explained that since she's a songwriter, she understands feelings and can read in between the lines. She even told Bryce that he's in love with Addison. I bet at some point she'll say the same to Addison." Dixie laughs. "Oh and one more thing, I don't think she likes contact on her body or something. She was bouncing her leg in the car, so I put my hand on her knee as a way to calm her but she flinched away from me. So, can you let everyone know that. Especially the guys", I add.

She nods and walks back to the living room. I follow her in. I see Ryland and Faith making a tiktok. I laugh at the site of her messing up. I sit back down next to Quinton. Faith comes over and sits in front of me, on the floor.

Just then, everyone's phone starts blowing up. Oh god. TikTok room.

Everyone's on their phones to see what it is. As I grab my phone, I look down at Faith, she's not moving except for her fingers. She's playing with her fingers. That's so adorable, but it's a new tick.

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