Chapter 11

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// Faith's POV //

What the hell just happened? Why did he make me actually nervous? I've only ever been anxious...never nervous. Weird. Anyway, as Jaden and I walk back into the living room, some people are looking at us. I notice Taylor glare at Jaden as I sit next to Jaden. Also weird.

After everyone talks for a little while longer, someone I don't recognize says my name, "Faith? You're Faith right? My name's Indiana."

I look up at her. Oh right I'm suppose to meet other people. Great. She has short black hair with red in the front. Overall, she's really pretty. Like everyone in this room. I smile at her, even as I can feel my leg start to bounce, "H-hi. Y-yes I'm F-Faith. It's n-nice to meet-t you." Why does her name sound familiar? 

She smiles at me, "I love your music by the way.  Your songs are so powerful.  I wish I could write like that." 

Oh my god! Indiana Massara!  "Y-you're I-Indiana M-Mass-sara.  I-I've heard y-your music-c bef-fore.  I-I l-like it-t."  I tell her.

She looks shocked, "really? Wow. Thank you! That means a lot coming from you. Your writing ability is amazing. How do you do it, if you don't mind me asking?"

My leg is bouncing like crazy now. I glance at Jaden practically begging for help. He notices and places his hand on my bouncing knee. I flinch a little, but I let him keep it there. He smiled at me a little. Damn that smile. Wait no. Not happening.

"Uh w-well I don't r-really know h-how to-o expl-lain it. I thin-nk of a-a situation and then let the words-s flow I-I guess. It comes easy t-to me." I pause. I don't really know how to explain it. "I can show you I-if you w-want."

Jaden know almost immediately speaks, "I know I would love to see it, but that's up to you Fay."

I smile at the nickname. I guess it wouldn't hurt to show them. I need to open up to them. "O-okay. Well just-t give me a a-situation then."

Everyone thinks for a moment until Griffin suggests "the Charli and Chase situation."

Oh this is gonna be awkward. "I would do that but umm I a-already have a song about that-t. I-I know that sounds weird but as I was reading an article a-bout it and i got overwhelmed so I put my opinion in a song." Everyone's silent and staring at me. I turn to Charli, "the song a message to you so if you want to read it, then let me know."

She smiles and nods. "Thank you Faith. I might take you up on that. I think you should write about Braddison."

I here Bryce sigh and see Addison shift uncomfortably. "Ooo yay. I like Braddison." I turn towards them, "y'all have never dated before right?"

They both nod. "Okay cool. This'll be easy then. Just give me a second."

I grab my songbook out of my bag and turn to a blank page. I feel myself calming down as I hum the melody. I can feel eyes on me, but I'm too lost in the music in my head.

After about 10 minutes, I look up from my book. "I finished the chorus. I think y'all will like it. I don't sing in front of people so b-bear with m-me."

I take a deep breath and let the music take over:

We're just friends
It's just not right
I'll just wait 'til the moments right
'Cause you're just you and I'm just me
I'm just wishin' that we could be
Just a little more than this
Just a little more than just friends

I know you feel the same
I know it when you make me laugh
'Cause I can see the red and it's in your cheeks
And now I'm blushin' back

When I finished, everyone is silent. Well now I'm nervous. What if they didn't like it? What if I offended someone? Shit. What do I do now? Before I can say anything, everyone starts clapping and cheering.

"Holy shit that was awesome!"

"It took like 10 minutes. That's crazy."

"She needs a record deal or something."

I look over at Bryce and Addison. Both of them are blushing. I smile as Bryce takes Addison's hand and leads them out of the living room. "Finally they'll express their love for each other." Everyone starts laughing.

As we wait for Braddison to come back, I meet the other new people. Nikita, Larray, and James were very excited and energetic.  Tana and David were pretty chill, but I could that Tana was a party girl.  David and Alex remind me of each other.  Madison is awesome.  I told her everything that I had planned.  She was so humble about it.  She even told me that she loves my songs.  I almost melted.  Also, Madison told me that I can use her studio whenever and she gave me her number.  I have never smiled this.  I was genuinely excited and happy. 

Once everything started to calm down,  I told Jaden that I was going to the kitchen for some water.  He nodded and walked away.  After drinking some water, I started walking back towards the living room. 

Once I got to the entryway, I finally realized how many people were in the room.  I slowly backed up into a corner as my heartbeat quickened and I had trouble breathing. 

I sank to the floor as my vision started to blur.  I grabbed my arm and dug my nails into the side of my arm as a way to distract myself.  Nothing was working.  I closed my eyes.  I couldn't breathe.  I don't know what to do.  After what seemed like forever, I hear someone talking.  It sounds distant like they're on the other side of a tunnel.

Yelling. Someone is yelling. I still can't breathe or see. Wait. I think I know that voice. Jaden.

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